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Retro/Carbon/Coloured/Custom Replacement Badges - Part 2


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Cliff, what did you have left over?

I'm thinking about engine bay and padding the front one out so it's sit's inline with the grill, not below it!


Hiya Jake

in my drawer I have exactly the same as you had x6 plus one in reverse colours (black border black bird thing silver background)

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If anyone is feeling generous this thread might be solvable by some of you who will be removing the OEM badges to put mine on ;)

I did say put a note here but he posted in the old GB instead :doh::)


At PastyBoy's suggestion, I'm dropping in here to ask if anyone has an ordinary, original bonnet badge for a mk1 (53 plate) Octavia that's in decent nick to replace my own slightly scabby one?



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Can anyone tell me how to replace the badge on the airbag as that is all I have left to do!

I think the general consensus is to stick it over the top of the original one rather than start trying to take your steering wheel apart

I coul dbe wrong though

Still waiting for mine, had a few things the past few days but no badges :(

Hmmm concerning - they were all, sent on the same day.

could be royal mail playing silly buggers. (or of course i could have forgotten to post your entirely!)

If they don't turn up next week let me know and i'll post a coupelk of the spares out

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post just arrived still no badges


Bloody Royal Mail! :thumbdown:

Si can't apologise enough for not using tracked delivery! I'll get replacements made up ASAP.

Although it could take a while as they are unlikely to be ready this week and as of Sunday i'll be out of the country for 2 weeks :(

I'll see if i can get my printer to post them out direct to you! :thumbup:

On a lighter note the missing Skoda Motorsport badges have arrived today.

Wilsonian - your extra 1 is in the post.

saint1d - i've put yours in the post along with the now lost retro ones that you haven't received. Althouigh if you do now receive 2 lots I'd appreicate honesty and their return :)

Edited by PastyBoy
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In bid to keep me track of what has and hasn't turned up can you guys let me know if they've arrived

(this'll also allow me to delete PM conversations to free up some space)

I've updated the original list from the data i've found in the thread but can you update for me please

1 - PAID gfunk - 80mm - silver Thundercats on black background x 1 & 80mm - VRS on black background x 1

2 - PAID wilsonian - 55mm - Skoda Motorsport x 5

3 - PAID VRSerious 80mm - Retro silver on black x 2

4 - PAID deanyboy1985 - 80mm Retro silver on black x2 - 55mm Retro silver on black x 4

5 - PAID VRS Goldie John - 80mm Carbon on Red x 2 RECEIVED

6 - PAID jonny5ive - 80mm - Custom design x2 RECEIVED

7 - PAID Gaelicstorm7 - 80mm - Carbon on Red x 1 - Red on Carbon x 1

8 - PAID TDI VRS - 80mm - OEM badges minus the green x 2 RECEIVED

9 - PAID Si Vxr - 80mm x2 custom badges and 4x 55mm custom badges

10 - PAID jabbasport - 80mm autobot red on black x 1

11 - PAID F1 CJE UK - 55mm VRS on Carbon x5 RECEIVED

13 - PAID TommyJ_VrS- 80mm Retro Black on silver x2 RECEIVED

14 - PAID richardsfavorit - 80mm Standard Skoda badges x2 & if possible 4 x 48mm custom RECEIVED (and other in production)

15 - PAID peppyuk - 80mm Carbon on red x 2

17 - PAID snow_muncher - Selection of Carbon designs RECEIVED

18 - PAID tgoscottie - 80mm Retro silver on black x3 & 55mm Retro silver on black x6 RECEIVED

19 - PAID shmern-80mm black Thundercats (Red background)x1

21 - PAID Dallan - Customer design - 80mm x 2 - 55mm x 1 RECEIVED

20 - PAID saint1d - Skoda Motorsport - 55mm x 1 - 80mm retro Black on Silver x 2

22 - PAID deanyboy1985 - Retro design - 55mm x 1 RECEIVED

23 - PAID matt1chelski - retro design - green on black - 80mm x 2 - 55mm x 1 RECEIVED

24 - PAID E11HES - retro design - black on blue - 80mm x 2 - 55mm x 5

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saint1d - i've put yours in the post along with the now lost retro ones that you haven't received. Althouigh if you do now receive 2 lots I'd appreicate honesty and their return :)

Cheers mate, yeah ofc I'll let you know if the others arrive and will post them straight back to you. :thumbup:

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they have just arrived and look awsome pics up asap

THANK FECK! :thumbup:

Hi PastyBoy, Still no badges here im afraid mate :(

OH FECK! :thumbdown:

Although the fact that Si's have only just turned up gives me hope that Royal Mail aren't losing them completely!

the mystery of Mr saint1d's badges has been sorted as he gave me the wrong house number so the badges are with his neighbours :D

Those who's haven;t turned up yet please take this in the the least "screw you guys" way possible but i really can't do anything about the missing ones until i return from holiday.

Even if i ordered replacements today they wouldn't arrive until after i flew out meaning they wouldn't get to you until i get back anyways

I appreciate that i have your money and that leaving the country doesn't look good :giggle: but i promise all badges were posted it just seems Royal Mail have a selective delivery policy at the moment!

Lessonlearnt and if i do another GB i'll be increasing prices and sending recoreded delivery!

Can i ask for patience and hopefully when I return from holiday Royal Mail will have sorted themselves out and everyone will have their badges!

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i can confirm that they where posted on the 31/08/2010 first class so god knows where they went but they arrived in the end so IMO it seems that given some more time they may arrive guys.

thanks pasty they are great just need to find where the other half has hidden my old de badged center caps :thumbdown:

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Can i still place an order for badges??



Can i have two of these for the front and back?

And five 55mm Black VRS alloy wheel centres ( I assume one of these will fit the steering wheel? - can someone confirm??)

Is that £50 all in then?


Edited by Beancounter1980
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If anyone is feeling generous this thread might be solvable by some of you who will be removing the OEM badges to put mine on emoticon-0105-wink.gif

I did say put a note here but he posted in the old GB instead emoticon-0120-doh.gifemoticon-0100-smile.gif


Thanks Pastyboy and double emoticon-0120-doh.gifemoticon-0120-doh.gif for posting in the wrong GB section!

Still looking for a couple of good condition OEM 80mm badges. Please PM if you have a couple you'd like to offload, erm, recycle. Would pay postage plus something for the badge too.

Many thanks,


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