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Hose pipe ban


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FFS, I was planning to give my car its first decent clean for an exceedingy long time this weekend and look what happens. mother****ers.

Oh well, dirty car ahoy! :rofl:

I got myself a water butt the other week, and the first night it rained it filled it, so I will put a pipe from that to my Pressure washer,

and will still be able to clean my car


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I got myself a water butt the other week, and the first night it rained it filled it, so I will put a pipe from that to my Pressure washer,

and will still be able to clean my car


Great idea..

I'll be filling the paddling pool, pond, buckets and anything else that will hold water then before the ban comes into force :)

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Thats me washing mine and the missus car tonight... :(

I wonder how people like Baker21 will cope....

Some of the posh cars he details the owners prob ask he use bottles of EVIAN anyway :giggle:

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Thats me washing mine and the missus car tonight... :(

I wonder how people like Baker21 will cope....

ONR will be used............. :thumbup:

Some of the posh cars he details the owners prob ask he use bottles of EVIAN anyway :giggle:


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FFS, I was planning to give my car its first decent clean for an exceedingy long time this weekend and look what happens. mother****ers.

Oh well, dirty car ahoy! :rofl:

Just great that isn't it. Still, seems we can still use buckets and sponges which is kind of them. BTW, well done to North West Tonight on BBC for giving "Un tied Utiliites" some stick about leaks over the last six months !

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Pressure washers actually use a lot less than hosepipes. It is these water sprinklers which are at fault , or it is one of my daughters who spends 20 mins in the shower :rain::notme:

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Pressure washers have the ability to suck water from a bucket (Short length of hose dangled in the bucket will suffice)..............So.. you can still use it!! :thumbup:

Just dont attach a hose pipe to the outside tap

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The irony behind my missive is that for many years I lived in a flat so had no chance of washing my car properly. This year I've moved to a house and in the summer my wife goes away to see family so I have some long summer days with no distractions to do er, 'manly', stuff without any complaints off her. This year I planned my first job to be a full detail on the car. Except...

The hose pipe ban came in at 6am this morning and she didn't leave till 4pm this afternoon :no:


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