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Wheel Obsession continued - Skoda Fabia vRS Wheel Refurb


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As a few have noticed, I tend to acquire a lot of sets of Fabia vRS wheels. At one point I had 3 complete sets - yes, 12 wheels - but unfortunately due to a couple of snow related pothole incidents that my Dad had in his fabia, I actually "only" have 10 alloy wheels left.

Anyway, the original set that I had on my car had started to corrode nastily and the lacquer and finish was peeling away from the back of the wheel, but hadn't quite reached the front.

My friend contacted a local powder coating and shotblasting firm that said that if we took 8 wheels down without tyres, we could have them done for £20 a piece. So we did exactly that! He shotblasted and then powdercoated & lacquered the wheels. Unfortunately I don't have any "before" pictures, but I did take these "after" pictures as I doubt the wheels will ever look as good again!






And a couple of the 1.9GTI 205 alloys which were done in graphite:




TIme to wax 'em up and get them on the car, and for that price I'm tempted to get my remaining 6 wheels done... hopefully by waxing and then regularly washing I won't have any further corrosion issues. Just got to be as careful as ever when close to kerbs now. :)

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Nice work Ed although they look a lot more grey than silver :S

If you feel like getting the other six done, as i've sold all my other wheels, i'll take 4 in either white or black please :p B)

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Nice work Ed although they look a lot more grey than silver :S

If you feel like getting the other six done, as i've sold all my other wheels, i'll take 4 in either white or black please :p B)

HI Cliff! Long time no speak. They look less grey and more silver in person, I'm just terrible with a digital camera! I'll be getting the other 6 done to match, and will be holding on to them as spares for next winter when the potholes inevitably strike again. Then, when I eventually sell the car, I'm hoping they'll still be worth £200 or more with part worn tyres on, which still seems to be the going rate for wheel sets.

£20 a wheel is a steel!!! I paid £55 for one occy spider to be repainted... :(

These were shotblasted, powdercoated and lacquered - nothing more - so any physical defects or deep scratches still show, but are protected from the elements by a layer of powdercoat & lacquer. And soon, 2-3 layers of wheel wax. Did your £55 repainting involve repairs to the wheel other than just repainting?

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