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Just been to see the new motor in the workshop having it's PDI.

The salesman asked if I wanted Autoglym Lifeshine adding for £300.

I have the money to get this done, but he did say it came with a 10 year guarantee. Personally I can't believe that a polish and wax would last 10 years, but what do I know.

If it does indeed last 10 years (hell if it lasts 3 years), I'll gladly pay £300 to not worry about it again for a while. But, as I suspect, there are other ways of achieving the same effect without having to touch my toes for it.

As I said, I don't mind paying for it, or doing it myself, what other choices do I have and which would be the best value for money.

1) buy the stuff off the net and spend a day cleaning, polishing, sealing, waxing, etc..

2) pay someone else to do it for me.

I want both inside and outside protected - so would I be better off getting some Meguiars and 303 and doing it myself?

I have read a few posts previously which state that AG Lifeshine is not worth the money - and I don't suspect anything has changed, but you never know.

Any thoughts? If so - whay should I buy with my budget of £300 - bearing in mind I have nothing at the moment but a hosepipe and (as yet) no ban.

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Don't do it! For that sort of money you could get a professional detailer to give it the full works which will; be a better job, be much more durable and you'll pick up loads from the pro so that when you're caring for it yourself you'll do it properly.

Have a look here there's pro's and plenty of amateurs on there all of whom have tons of experience and it's a really friendly forum.

Edited by alkip
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I stupidly went for that option and regret it. Should have saved my £300 - it's such a rip. when my dad collected his earlier this year they tried it on with him then came back saying they some times have half empty bottles of the stuff and if he wanted they could do it for £150 - money grabbers!

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As has been discussed in previous threads the AG LIfeshine treatment is not that great and it's more to do with how it's applied at a dealer as opposed to how long it will last.

The Interior and Glass sections of the Lifeshine Kit are actually very good but the paintwork protection is not up to the job and there are better waxes and sealants on the market that will out last this product and in the grand scheme of things are cheaper.

What also needs to be said that the 10 Year Guarantee may be applicable but you as the owner have to 'top up' this protection with a set washing technique that they inform you off with the kit I believe, it's worth noting that this is not really any difference to a future detail 3 months or so down the line you may complete.

There are pleny of people who have had such an application put on their motor and are happy with it and some not but for me I would spend my £300 elsewhere on a 'New Car Detail' and some experienced words from a Pro who knows what they are doing............. :thumbup:

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I guess I'll be buying some stuff from ebay then :)

Thanks for the advice - I was reluctant to spend £300 - but if it was worth it, then I'd have no issues with spending it.

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I guess I'll be buying some stuff from ebay then emoticon-0100-smile.gif

Thanks for the advice - I was reluctant to spend £300 - but if it was worth it, then I'd have no issues with spending it.

I did mine with Diamondbrite - same sorta stuff, took me a day to clay, wash, clean and apply but still looks as new after a clean 7 months on (not quite 10 years I know). Think the "10 years" is a crock, but at 4 odd quid for the stuff you could really splash out every year ;). worth noting, the DB stuff needs a "top up" added to the wash every month, may be the same for AG.

If you want to go down the detailing with non "lasts forever" kit, I can recommend having a good nose through Baker21's threads for a definitive on how to do it.

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