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Am I wrong?


Charity car wash  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. Am I wrong to say no

    • Yes
    • No
    • I'm one of the girls doing the cleaning

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OK I'm taking flak at work for not wanting to go to a charity car wash with bikini clad girls as I claimed they'll just add more swirl marks to my car.

Would you ruin your pride and joy's paint work to see something that you'd probably see on channel 5 late at night?

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Just give the money for a car wash without having your car washed... you're still supporting the event, so shouldn't be a problem! Get more involved maybe and even ask some of your friends and family to go along?

You probably will get flak as well, because a lot of people see washing a car as a sponge and hose pipe jobby, but for some people - such as yourself, there is a lot more to it than that!

Where and when is this event by the way? And will the girls be attractive...?! :giggle:

Edit: By the looks of your sig you do your fair bit for charity anyway, so I shouldn't worry too much. If any one gives you flak just use some the things I have said!

Edited by Bezzy
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one of the lads have just come back - it's in irlam round the corner from awesome - girls are not bad, showed us some pics of a lass using some thing else other than a sponge to wash his bonnet with and it's only £3! lol still not taking my car there haha

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Just bust out the mankini and get involved! If you have a hairy arse, that could double up as a nice wool wash mitt (arse-mitt?). Just remember to rinse often. Just don't topple over when you dipping your arse in the bucket.

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Just bust out the mankini and get involved! If you have a hairy arse, that could double up as a nice wool wash mitt (arse-mitt?). Just remember to rinse often. Just don't topple over when you dipping your arse in the bucket.

Wow that really doesn't conjure up a nice image :giggle:

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