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Hi all

Having got used to the wash mitt, two buckets, decent shampoo and a good drying towel approach I'm now ready to go a step further and want to apply some kind of protection to the body work by hand.

Can anyone recommend something I could use? Not sure of the Difference between waxs and polish?

Edited by silentleeb
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I'm fairly new to it all but i've used a few different products on 5 different cars now so starting to get there experience wise.

Last night was the first time i've used AutoGlym Extra Gloss Protection (AG EGP) and it's soooooo easy to apply by hand. You get the impression it's pretty strong stuff and will last too. It's £7.10 or something like that for the small bottle (should last well over a year) at my local factors. Halfords are a couple of quid more according to their website but they're doing 3 for 2 so should work out the same price if you're buying 3 things. There's bigger bottles just over a tenner too.

Still experimenting wheels wise but not found anything that blows me away yet. Megs #16 was ok but only lasted about 2 weeks in certain parts of the wheel. Halfords own brand spray on stuff is quick to apply and seems to last slightly longer. Not been having any tar spots since i started using it either. Seems a keeper for now but i'm going to try jetseal at some point because it comes really highly recommended.

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