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Anybody bought a set of these

VRS Mike

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They look similar to the other surrounds you can buy. shouldn't have a problem fitting them, however my plates were just able to fit inside them with alot of flexing and bending... :doh:

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I bought one of those for the rear to replace my current surround.

I haven't fitted it to the car yet (waiting for my Dubmeister plates) but it takes a standard plate ok and locks down nicely.

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I bought one of those for the rear to replace my current surround.

I haven't fitted it to the car yet (waiting for my Dubmeister plates) but it takes a standard plate ok and locks down nicely.

I'm waiting my Dubmeister plates too, that's why I bought these because I didn't fancy drilling them.

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Mods that slow you down :thumbdown:

Less is more :D:thumbup:

Saying that I do have a LCR splitter but that give me more downforce in the twistys! :D:giggle:

I have soooooooooooooooooo much power I can handle a bit more weight :giggle:

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