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Very happy with new insurance quote!

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just a myth then? id always assumed the older you get the more expierenced/mature the driver must be therefore making some difference to the premium ... obviously not ...emoticon-0101-sadsmile.gif

Makes a bit of difference buddy but not as much as you might expect. Price tends to be largely decided on the postcode lottery and statistical data based on the calculations of an actuary as well as other factors like insurance group of the vehicle, driver profile and vehicle usage. I've been driving for 9 years, I was 22 when I passed my test and it cost me £1500 to insure a 99 plate 1.2 Vauxhall Corsa. How I looked forward to the 'magical' age of 25, but even when I got there, it was still around a grand! Living in Liverpool the prices are astronomical as it's considered a high risk area (I work for the cops so know all too well how high car crime rates are round here). Some people on here pay <£300 for insurance, they are younger than me, have modded motors and to them that is high! As previously mentioned, my car is unmolested, I have 7 years NCB, full, clean licence and am 31, advanced pursuit trained police driver, yet to me around the £600 mark is cheap for insurance because I'm so used to it being so high!

Edited by Big Mikey
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I pay £1900 on a 1.4 mpi. No no claims, I'm 19, male and had a crash 18 months ago in the ice. Driving 2 years now. God bless inexperience. And the ****tish boy racers who've helped bring every young persons price up. :(

Jesus thats alot. Im 20 with 1 years NCB. A claim against me and Im paying £1200 FC on a vRS.

Mine came down buy £200 this year which is good seeing as my mates has goinr up on average of 200-400

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Insurance really is unfathomable.

I picked up my 1.4 16v Elegance on Wednesday.

20, Nil NCB although driving for 3 years as a named driver with no claims (though they didn't really seem to care about that), no mods, student, and £811 fully comp for the year :/ oh, with my dad as a named driver...

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I've got my vRS on a 2-car policy with Admiral; works out at about £240 fully comp, full NCB, no pts, Mrs as named driver, age 47 & 46, SN postcode. Happy with that (cost, not postcode!)!! Not feeling too smug, though - once my son passes his test it'll probably go through the roof!

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We are paying 400 FC on the Fabia (1.4 petrol auto Elegance) as my wife was learning and has now passed, but only weeks ago. Same price before and after passing though.

Fabia is nearly seven years old, low milage and worth about 3k.

Strangely the Range Rover is just 350 fully comp, even though it's five year old and worth about 20k. Odd. :wonder: Can new drivers be such a big risk?

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insurance on the Ibiza was £422 today, considering it's about a million insurance groups higher than a vRS and modded I didn't think that was too bad... :S

driving at 16? :wonder:

thats what i thought ! :wonder: :giggle:

if you get higher rate DLA you can drive at 16 :)

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