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he's on a pretty decent wack there if he's charging £7200 for his top job that takes 250 hours to do :wonder: that means he'll be on roughly £30 an hour which is good to say he's basicly a car valeter, so much for uni lol.

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he's on a pretty decent wack there if he's charging £7200 for his top job that takes 250 hours to do :wonder: that means he'll be on roughly £30 an hour which is good to say he's basicly a car valeter, so much for uni lol.

Would you let a McJob valeter on minimum wage loose on your Veyron?

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Part of me wants to laugh at him for being such a detailing geek and obsessive ..... but in reality, if he can get away with charging that, why not? Good luck to him I suppose.

Oh, I'm calling BS on the bit about "special floor tiles that show up dirt on the car" though. That's one step too far. :yes:

I daren't think of Baker's reaction to this post


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I am sure Jules would be flattered................ :rofl:

I meant she's better at detailing - where are £7,000 detail man's results?

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In some towns / cities, they could swipe it, strip it, change it's identity and have it on the next ship outbound from Grimsby in less time :giggle:

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