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Collected new 1.2 SE TSI today. Not happy.

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I would be furious. You have every right to be angry. I wouldn't care two tosses about the chrome surround but i would certainly care about the tinted glass. No tinted glass gives any car a real hairshirt 'feel'. This must be a factory mistake and I would pursue this to the bitter (or sweet, hopefully) end.

Edited by Adrianh1
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After conversations with Skoda today have now resolved this (I think).

Skoda confirmed that for MY2011 the S model Fabias will have plain glass. SE and above should have tinted glass (as per the brochure). It would appear that because of legal concerns the tint has become so subtle it is almost invisible.

The Skoda build database indicates that mine should have tinted glass and I now suspect it may actually do so. Today I managed to borrow a light meter to test the glass and they are right - the difference it makes is indeed small.

So the chance of a misbuild exists, and as Skoda specifically said to me beware windscreen replacements on your SE and above. You could easily end up with a plain glass replacement without immediately noticing.

They also told me that they are getting lots of phone calls about the line down the middle of the windscreen and are having to reassure customers that its meant to be there!


Edited by Minimoke
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..and the salesmen dont know any better either.

We often don't get told anymore than you do.

I knew about the chrome trim changes. But as far as I knew the glass on the SE was tinted, not sunset glass but had a slight tint in it.

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Reading Minimoke`s thread with interest! I rather liked the chrome handles. Made the car look a bit snazzy on the inside. When i test drove an SE sure it haad chrome handles!!

Have to wait and see what mines like when it turns up!



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Sounds like rather mean penny pinching to me.. I'd be unhappy too but you still have a lovely little car there. Not good for PR and customer relations though Skoda! I will probably buy an ex demo because of this type f thing next time.

....well yes its a nice little car and she likes it and is happy which is the main thing. Although she is having to get used to sitting far higher up than the old Mk1 Fabia. I told her its practice for when she gets a Yeti (except I think I threatened earlier never to buy another Skoda. Shows how weak willed I am).

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After conversations with Skoda today have now resolved this (I think).

Skoda confirmed that for MY2011 the S model Fabias will have plain glass. SE and above should have tinted glass (as per the brochure) but due to legal concerns the tint has become so subtle it is almost invisible.

The Skoda build database indicates that mine should have tinted glass and I now suspect it may actually do so. Today I managed to borrow a light meter to test the glass and they are right - the difference it makes is indeed small.

So the chance of a misbuild exists, and as Skoda specifically said to me beware windscreen replacements on your SE and above, as you could easily end up with a plain glass replacement without immediately noticing.

They also told me that they are getting lots of phone calls about the line down the middle of the windscreen and are having to reassure customers that its meant to be there!


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Is the leather gearkob present, or has that disappeared as well? My SE doesn't appear to have one - nor the chrome surrounds

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Is the leather gearkob present, or has that disappeared as well? My SE doesn't appear to have one - nor the chrome surrounds

The leather gearknob is present as is the chrome surround. Its just the chrome around the vents and the internal door handles that is gone.

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I cant believe you can buy a car without tinted glass in 2010 - Mind you Im just back from CZ and you should see some of the base Mk 1s they got over there , black plastic bumpers , 1.0 4 cyl engine , no glovebox!

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It is very likely you wont notice the "tint" on SE spec and above cars at all - it is a very light tint and in most conditions its usually not visible. Its purpose is to reduce heat transmission by 30+%. The word tint is therefore a bit of a misnomer.

Dark tints are naff and make cars look like vans or pimps cars.

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My windows do have a slight tint to them.

an easy way to check for a tint is to open a window half way, then hold a piece of white a4 paper against the window half behind the glass and half above the glass, then you should see the different shade on the paper,

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The brochures are pretty innacurate. My Greenline wheel size in the brochure is stated as 185's.

It actually has 165's. If I had bothered to research the car at length I would have found that this is the standard fit for the Greenline. I am not concerned as the handling is fine. Just making the point really that the brochures can be innacurate about more than just a bit of 'bling'.

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