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which RARB to go for?

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Jabba is thicker. 23mm i think. Whiteline is 20mm however if you look on their site they do a 22mm for the polo 9n.

However as they are different makes their probably different materials so not sure which is stiffer.

I have the jabba and its great :)

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Couldnt live without my Jabba one - I got a secondhand one for a decent deal off someone on here. Much as I LOVE driving our Bocanegra I actualy preferr my Furby handling wise because it just doesnt budge

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The rear ARB will make a huge huge difference on the Fabia , and the Whiteline one will

The main difference is the Whiteline one is adjustable

I have had one on mine for years and years , and yes is superb!!!!!!!

The difference is night and day , and I am a girl , so anyone who says it does not make a differnce , well , I dont know how you would class that :giggle:


Oh and yes , it will fit

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