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Pics of my VRS after a bath

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Thought i'd post a few pics of my baby looking quite clean as i've not really put any up I don't think since being on here - not the best of pics of a phone but you get the idea. Pretty standard apart from the LCR splitter... I wish I had the cash to do more!! Sorry if there's a specific place for these...






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What have you uses to clean the tailpipe of the exhaust ?

I just sprayed some wheel cleaner on it yesterday, although in the past when it's been really bad I have used a bit of oven cleaner - that works a treat ha ha. I keep meaning to buy some Autosol to finish it off properly as there are still a few stubborn marks.

Thanks for your kind comments guys :)


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Brillo pad works a treat on the old exhaust. :thumbup:

Isn't a Brillo pad a little too coarse? Thought it might scratch it? Not challenging you or anything, as not tried it myself, just asking. I tend to use fine wire wool and Autosol.

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quite like the look of the back with the Fabia bit missing. Would making waxing a lot easier, LOL

Did it come off easy enough

And the rest of the car looks nice :thumbup:

I only took the Fabia badge off last week after having the car just over a year... and I agree trying to get between the Fabia letters is a pain when cleaning!

Came off easy. I first heated it up slightly with a hair drier to soften the glue. Then i put a strip of wide masking tape above the top of the letters to avoid any scratches. With an old credit card or similar (I used my ikea family card!) slide down the back of the letters gently between the badge and the glue, they should come off relatively easy with a bit of gentle persuation (I did find the card a bit thick to get behind the edge of some letters so used a knife to lift the edge of the letter slightly, but be very careful obviously if you do this... you should be fine though if its between the glue and badge just don't be tempted to use the knife for the whole job!). You will be left with some glue on the car, to get rid of this I just used a rag with a bit of petrol on (I'm sure white spirit or something would do a similar job). Once all the glue is off you will probably have a bit of ghosting from where the badge has been and the paint has changed - just use some T-Cut colourfast on it to bring it back to life and jobs a goodun. Literally a 10 minute job.

Thanks again for the nice comments :)


Edited by Marc81
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I only took the Fabia badge off last week after having the car just over a year... and I agree trying to get between the Fabia letters is a pain when cleaning!

Came off easy. I first heated it up slightly with a hair drier to soften the glue. Then i put a strip of wide masking tape above the top of the letters to avoid any scratches. With an old credit card or similar (I used my ikea family card!) slide down the back of the letters gently between the badge and the glue, they should come off relatively easy with a bit of gentle persuation (I did find the card a bit thick to get behind the edge of some letters so used a knife to lift the edge of the letter slightly, but be very careful obviously if you do this... you should be fine though if its between the glue and badge just don't be tempted to use the knife for the whole job!). You will be left with some glue on the car, to get rid of this I just used a rag with a bit of petrol on (I'm sure white spirit or something would do a similar job). Once all the glue is off you will probably have a bit of ghosting from where the badge has been and the paint has changed - just use some T-Cut colourfast on it to bring it back to life and jobs a goodun. Literally a 10 minute job.

Thanks again for the nice comments :)


Thanks Marc, will give that a go :)

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