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How to do wide mouth bumper mod

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as a start i looked at this first


I used the same tools as they suggested

T25 Torx driver

T30 Torx driver

Pozidrive screwdriver

flat blade screwdriver


masking tape

spray bottle with soap and water mix

stick on type number plate

wire cutters

Ripspeed powdercoated grill Halfords


hot glue gun and glue

tiger seal type glue


I found the hardest bit was getting the black pins out from the under side of the bumper (fig4) you need a very small screw driver and i used a small hammer to tap the pins up and then the flat blade screw driver to pop the plastic thingy off. I pushed down from in between the rad and slam pannel onto the inside edge of the bumper to get one of the pins out.

Then i unscrewed the 4 trox screws in each arch the 4 torx screws under the bumper and the last 2 under the bonnet (follow the guide above).

Now for the hard part

The black grill at the bottom of the bumper just pops out, unscrew the number plate pop off the black number plate suround then you will be left with this.



Now you need to trim all the plastic so your left with the wide mouth use the bottom edges as a guide at this point i wished i had bought a dremil type tool instead i was left useing a fine toothed model saw.

once you have trimmed it, you will be left with this


I cleaned up the edges carefully with some sandpaper you then need to trim off the teeth that held the grills in place



Again i cleaned it up useing sand paper

Then i made a template useing the packet the grill came in


useing that after double checking the fitment a few times i cut the mesh useing some wire cutters

test fit and you should have


Then useing my hot glue gun i tacked the grill in place even though it was a tight fit once dry i used the tiger seal stuff and glued it in place makeing sure you dont go to close to the edge so its not visable.


Once this is on place give it chance to dry i left mine for an hour then got on with mounting the new number plate i used masking tape to line it up once happy spary the clean area with soapy water so you can move it if needed peel and stick then push the water out with a towel i then used a hair dryer to help get rid of the water.


then your ready to refit



and your done sorry for the pics it was taken on my phone and the reg isnt messed up its just the cam quality i took me all day as i wanted it right so allow plenty of time now it is ready for the FMIC which will be comeing soon

Hope this was of help all coments welcome

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Looks good. :thumbup:

A couple of points to add. Those 3 black clip things on the bottom, if you push the centre out with a small screwdriver or similar then they just pop out by levering. I used a stanley knife to cut away the part of the bumper I didn't need and it did the trick, just make sure it's a new blade and a decent quality knife otherwise you'll knacker your hand by the end of it.

With the number plate I've got pressed plates from Dubmeister. To fit I got some custom surrounds made up (although any of the usual style ones you can buy will do) and cable tied it onto the top of the grille before sticking the number plate on with pads.

Now all I need is a nice big FMIC to sit behind it, looks like you need the same!

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looking good mate i dont mine same way onli i used a blow torch ( stanley knifes go through plastic red hot like a hot knife through butter ) one thing i would suggest

get a intercooler to finish it off nicley and try a 3/4 number plate there fround upon and i dare say illegal so its up to yourself :giggle::thumbup:


Edited by Vrs_Dta
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Looks really good. Am tempted doing this with a spare bumper if I ever fit a larger inter cooler :)

Should be made a sticky or at least listed in the mods section (if it isn't already)

Edited by wilsonian
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Ive just bought the seat sport fmic and forge pipework, came in at just under £450 which when you compare it to anything else is a must buy tbh.

Get some better pics up of it done from different angles, pm me them if you want. I cant decide wether to do it or not now.

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Guest BigJase88




more pics with smaller reg plate!!


mod must only be performed if you have a FMIC!

IF not you will look like a tool, like a lad who has it done in my home town.... everytime i see him driving it it makes me laugh :L

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Guest BigJase88

You got a full on front shot? not sure if you can see enough of the FMIC to do this.

how about now


i think were losing the point here, to me this isnt a visual mod its a performance and necessity job if your chasing big bhp!

heat soak is bad!

it is visible my camera is just rubbish plus its a dull day and my ic is a bit old so is dirty and tired

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Guest BigJase88

Alu-brite. Good chemical for cleaning up old ally! :thumbup:

i tried autosol and a rotary polisher...

did feck all lol, i might try it but can i be bothered?

is it actually any good?

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Guest BigJase88

How did you fix the mesh to the top of the bumper plastic strenghtening bar ?

mines isnt

i just fixed mines at the sides 2 self tappers and 2 mudguard washers on either side that screw into the fog light area, can't see externally

then the mesh just holds at the top :D

easy peasy

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as said once i had made a template i cut the mesh the made sure it was a tight fit then i used a hot glue gun to tack it into place on the corners ect then i used tiger seal glue to glue all the edges onto the bumper NOT the crash bar hope that helps

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as said once i had made a template i cut the mesh the made sure it was a tight fit then i used a hot glue gun to tack it into place on the corners ect then i used tiger seal glue to glue all the edges onto the bumper NOT the crash bar hope that helps

I know it's not going to be held onto the crash bar !

What I was meaning was is it secured onto the plastic strengthening bar that's on the bumper at the top of the cut out ?

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