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fl scout delivery times


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told by dealer that my fl scout is at emden, and that he hopes that it will be on the boat that leaves on the 28 aug, what i would like to know is how long is the timescale from landing in uk to when the dealer hands it over,it was ordered end of may and was built wk 32,just before the flood problem, thanks

Edited by shyfly
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told by dealer that my fl scout is at emden, and that he hopes that it will be on the boat that leaves on the 28 aug, what i would like to know is how long is the timescale from landing in uk to when the dealer hands it over,it was ordered end of may and was built wk 32,just before the flood problem, thanks

I have been given a build week of 13 September and delivery by end of September approx two weeks after build.

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Hi shyfly,

rearlly does depend how soon after arrival it's scheduled on the boat and then a transporter slot in the UK. My Yeti took over two weeks to get from Emden to the dealer, over a week of that was sat in Emden waiting for passage.

My wife's Fabia was scheduled for WK33, dealer has told me it's not delayed but has yet to confirm it's built :wonder: So we hope it's following your Scout and out there somewhere.



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