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Euro Tour - 3000 miles - how many Yeti's spotted?


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Hi all,

We've just returned from a 3000 mile trip across Spain and through France and I am amazed at just how rare the Yeti is on their roads! I knew I probably wouldnt be seeing them daily but in all the time we were abroad we saw a total of....

ONE Yeti!!! :o (in a queue of traffic heading to Evreux from Rouen in France)

Dont get me wrong; I love owning a 'rare' vehicle but I really didnt expect to see just one other on our travels!

I always think of cars such as the Subaru Tribeca as a rare sight but we saw four of these on our travels. Mercedes GL's (like a bigger ML), Porsche Panameras, and Ferraris were plentiful in comparison to the Yeti!

To say ours got 'looks' is a big understatement but as far as I was aware, the Yeti is sold in both Spain and France so I just couldnt understand it!

So is the Yeti really one of the rarest cars on the road today?!

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Hi all,

We've just returned from a 3000 mile trip across Spain and through France and I am amazed at just how rare the Yeti is on their roads! I knew I probably wouldnt be seeing them daily but in all the time we were abroad we saw a total of....

ONE Yeti!!! :o (in a queue of traffic heading to Evreux from Rouen in France)

Dont get me wrong; I love owning a 'rare' vehicle but I really didnt expect to see just one other on our travels!

I always think of cars such as the Subaru Tribeca as a rare sight but we saw four of these on our travels. Mercedes GL's (like a bigger ML), Porsche Panameras, and Ferraris were plentiful in comparison to the Yeti!

To say ours got 'looks' is a big understatement but as far as I was aware, the Yeti is sold in both Spain and France so I just couldnt understand it!

So is the Yeti really one of the rarest cars on the road today?!

Possibly , as they are a new model it will take time for numbers to increase, not the cheapest car on the road by any means which may be a factor, but there are swarms of Fabias and Octavia's here in Norfolk'

Edited by mellyboy
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Possibly , as they are a new model it will take time for numbers to increase, not the cheapest car on the road by any means which may be a factor, but there are swarms of Fabias and Octavia's here in Norfolk'

I see what you are saying but they have been on sale for a year now havent they? Tiguans, Kugas, CRV's and XC90's seemed to be everywhere - Yetis really do appear to be the mythical rarity the name seems to suggest. :D

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I do like the exclusivity driving a Yeti currently offers. A couple of recent 300 mile round trips to Snowdonia (a popular haunt for 4x4s of all sorts) have yielded not a single other sighting of the elusive monster.

However, this weekend just gone produced sightings of no less than 5 in and around my locality. It does take a while for new cars to get into circulation and the high demand/low supply won't help. It's been 12 months since production started so I should imagine we will begin to see a few more around from now on.

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Maybe it's also because the Yeti will be less of a repmobile so the average Yeti won't spend its life flogging up and down the motorways for all to see.

I wouldn't be surprised if the typical Yeti doesn't average say 5-10K miles per year rather than eg 15-20K so even the ones that have been sold won't be as obviously on show as the typical Astra or Focus.

In other words, it's not only the number of Yeti's that have been sold but the number of Yeti-miles in total that are driven.

Edited by prodata
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Same here, July/August, round trip UK, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, France and back to UK, and only one white Yeti in a small Italian town of Sarzana....very rear beast in Europe.

Was hoping to see few monsters in the Alps :-)

By the by, my Yeti (2D S DTi) loved Switzerland, on occasions getting consumption of 67 MPG :-) don't know if it was Belgian diezel (where I filled last), cold weather, fresh Swiss air or all combined + easy driving with high gears and low revs...


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  • 2 weeks later...


We've just got back from our holiday - a little tour down through France, into Switzerland and then on to Italy. A lovely little drive.

We didn't see any in France, but did find a French registered monster in Italy.

But the place to find European Yeti's - is in the Alps! We must have seen five or six roaming around Switzerland!

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In May/June this year we drove our Octavia through Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany to Austria, then returned later via Germany, Strasbourg and Paris to the UK. In August/September, we drove to the Belgian Ardenne, and then to Lorraine in France before returning the to UK. We saw marmottes in the snow on the Grosse Glockner Pass, but not a single Yeti!


Edited by CJJE
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We covered 2750 miles in April, to Barcelona on overnight ferry, but back up through France... we saw ONE Superb Estate... in a Spanish Show-Room window... :(

I've since seen one in the UK (other than mine!)


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We covered 2750 miles in April, to Barcelona on overnight ferry, but back up through France... we saw ONE Superb Estate... in a Spanish Show-Room window... :(

I've since seen one in the UK (other than mine!)


Had the same experience when we travelled to the south of France in September from Cornwall via Dover.

Never saw a single Yeti unti back in Devon .They must have been hiding.

But what a great car to drive.


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Have just been to Grimsby and back and not a single Yeti! We're driving down to Devon at the weekend, taking the ferry to Santander and taking three weeks to drive back up through NE Spain, SW France, Provence and the E side of France, returning via Eurotunnel. I'll report on any Yeti sightings after 20 October!

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Skoda is much less well known in France compared to the other VAG marques, the Yeti is also expensive, 19 to 32K in euros, about 16 to 28K in sterling. People like Nissan have a much bigger profile, the Qashqai is a big seller in France. Skoda are making steady progress but I found if you wanted to trade a Skoda in against another make of car, the dealer often wouldnt even take it or would offer you a rock bottom price. The car that is now taking off is the Dacia Duster, out Skodering Skoda as one journalist put it, now a waiting list of 8 months such is the demand.

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The car that is now taking off is the Dacia Duster, out Skodering Skoda as one journalist put it, now a waiting list of 8 months such is the demand.

Yes but the French have always loved simple cars over ponsy things with alloys and what not. Think 2CV, Renault 4, Kangoo, Multispace, etc. So they will love the Duster and won't like the Yeti as it is too posh for them. I imagine you saw the French sales I posted before in here?

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Yes but the French have always loved simple cars over ponsy things with alloys and what not. Think 2CV, Renault 4, Kangoo, Multispace, etc. So they will love the Duster and won't like the Yeti as it is too posh for them. I imagine you saw the French sales I posted before in here?

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Yes I think you could be right, and of course the Duster sells in the 11 to 19K euros range thats 9 to 16K sterling its a lot of car for your money. My local Skoda dealer told me the few yetis he had sold were to winemakers, to replace their four wheel drive Kangoos, which of course Renault have stopped making, obviously a niche market! I have to say touring around France recently I havnt seen a single Yeti, perhaps they have all gone into hibernation for the winter.

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