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Ken block


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Awesome bit of driving - been waiting for this to come out for AGES! Was the most watched video on YouTube yesterday apparently :thumbup:

Re his WRC performances, I just don't think he quite has the right set of skills (yet) to drive at a consistently quick standard.... without crashing into something ;) OK, it's not on terrestrial TV anymore but most people have Freeview these days and I think the Dave coverage is actually pretty good :yes:



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I have seen a few of his video clips which look brilliant but when in real rally curcuit he doesn't seem to be that good.

you have to ask yoiurself how many takes he does for all these clips, and how many of the takes are editted, and added in etc to make 1 complete perfect run.

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Awesome bit of driving - been waiting for this to come out for AGES! Was the most watched video on YouTube yesterday apparently :thumbup:

Re his WRC performances, I just don't think he quite has the right set of skills (yet) to drive at a consistently quick standard.... without crashing into something ;) OK, it's not on terrestrial TV anymore but most people have Freeview these days and I think the Dave coverage is actually pretty good :yes:



Yes I can get Dave on freeview but at work when it is on,<wrc> so can only tape it through the av , ie when tv is on that station, my wife would not be pleased :giggle:

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Some amazing driving, but a couple of mistakes i spotted.

Like the first big corner where he goes straight into the wall sideways?

You'd think they'd re-shoot that one.

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Like the first big corner where he goes straight into the wall sideways?

You'd think they'd re-shoot that one.

Yeah, and I bet the guy on the Segway was glad he didn't have to wear a cone costume! :o

Is it just, or are burn-outs for chavs?

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Pity Dave isn't on freesat. Miss the WRC.

Yep, ditto. Have no idea why that is. Must be some licensing deal issue between Dave and Freesat. Most odd.

Means I have to switch sources and everything! Most inconvenient :)

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In fairness Block in a WRC is amongst a pretty average bunch. Probably just doing it to fullfill his ego and marketing for his companies

How good is Loeb when most of the competition can barely concentrate for a whole stage let alone rally. AND with the help of pace notes. Seem to be relativly tame drivers these days.

Look at Kankunen coming out of retirement and what was it 7th place?

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There's a fairly poor field of drivers alright. I suppose it's like F1 a few years back with boys paying for there drive rathers than guys with shear speed making there way to the top. There's no doubt about it though Leob is an absolute savage talent.

Blocks spinning around in a Rally car doing stunts is a big difference from the WRC rounds, although he has some great car control.

Btw the bump against the wall looked fairly good, and I'm sure it was meant to be put in the clip, I'm sure there was plenty of other takes to put a clean run in. At the end of the day it showed him on the edge.

Edited by GAFF
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Well it's pretty obvious it's edited as you have a camera shot of the car spinning round the barrels then the camera follows the car round from the center of the barrels then back to an external shot and not once do you see any of the cameras. I thought it was good but I preferred the scooby videos.

Has Block done any X games? I know CM did one about a year before his death and put a great show on in a gold scooby

EDIT: Whoa! 1000th post! :)

Edited by wilsonian
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