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non locking scout


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an intermittent fault has raised its head with the scout,without warning the central locking will not work, it will lock with the key, but sets the alarm off, and on unlocking with the key leaves the rest of the doors locked. its going in on thursday, and as skoda are at the last chancesaloon with me after the troublesome yeti, if its not a simple fix i will be rejecting the car, hope i wont need to, as iam more than happy with the performance of the 1.6 tdi.



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an intermittent fault has raised its head with the scout,without warning the central locking will not work, it will lock with the key, but sets the alarm off, and on unlocking with the key leaves the rest of the doors locked. its going in on thursday, and as skoda are at the last chancesaloon with me after the troublesome yeti, if its not a simple fix i will be rejecting the car, hope i wont need to, as iam more than happy with the performance of the 1.6 tdi.



the scout has now been at dealers for 13 days of the 30 days that it has been on the road, they have now fitted a new ecu as there was something not right with the opening set up, as the scout was supposed to have a facility where the key fob opened the windows, so they were waiting to get linked up with the factory so that they could programme it, hope this works as i am getting to the end of my patience with this car and skoda,as this car replaced my troublesome yeti, if i reject the car i think i will be looking at an audi a1, as they do the vrs set up with a manual box, but hopefully il get itback today, then il chase some compo off them.



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the scout has now been at dealers for 13 days of the 30 days that it has been on the road, they have now fitted a new ecu as there was something not right with the opening set up, as the scout was supposed to have a facility where the key fob opened the windows, so they were waiting to get linked up with the factory so that they could programme it, hope this works as i am getting to the end of my patience with this car and skoda,as this car replaced my troublesome yeti, if i reject the car i think i will be looking at an audi a1, as they do the vrs set up with a manual box, but hopefully il get itback today, then il chase some compo off them.



I have had this same fault with my Fabia 1.6 tdi SE, it is currently at the dealership having its Central ECU replaced as yours has. After having both keys replaced and it failing again with a matter of minutes they finally relented and said i needed a new Cecu. I told them that i thought it was an electrics problem rather than software but they didn;t listen!

Due toi get the car back within the next 45 mins otherwise a Taxi to work and a taxi back will be a very very expensive mistake for the dealership. I have had 3 fabias before this and non of them have had any faults!

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Havent got the car back yet as they are having problem recoding the whole car. Have been given another Fabia to use hope they get it sorted! A whole day to replace the ECU and recode the car. Just hope it works when its finally done!!!

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Havent got the car back yet as they are having problem recoding the whole car. Have been given another Fabia to use hope they get it sorted! A whole day to replace the ECU and recode the car. Just hope it works when its finally done!!!

went back today still no change with my scout, apparently there is some sort of system to link up with the factory that is the problem, so i asked the dealer if this was a skoda uk problem an not the dealerships, they said yes as there is a few cars waiting on this link, so i contacted skoda uk customer service, and told them this and said as this was the second attempt to fix the fault, if my car is not sorted by friday that i shall be rejecting it under the sale and supply of goods act,and drew their attention to section 6 of the 2003 ammendment that it is now put the onus is on the dealer /maker to prove that the fault was not present at time of delivery, i am waiting for their response tommorow

Edited by shyfly
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I think the issue with coding things maybe our diagnostic equipment needs a brand CD to allow the upload. These are updated frequently when things are changed and they may need the latest CD to allow the program. The CDs take a while to get to us as they are written in German and translated to Czech and then into English.

Not sure if this is the case but I've had it before now.

Also ref the VW or Skoda parts comment made earlier, aside from the MPI engine we have been using VW parts since the Felicia was retired. Control units, electrics etc all shared.

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went back today still no change with my scout, apparently there is some sort of system to link up with the factory that is the problem, so i asked the dealer if this was a skoda uk problem an not the dealerships, they said yes as there is a few cars waiting on this link, so i contacted skoda uk customer service, and told them this and said as this was the second attempt to fix the fault, if my car is not sorted by friday that i shall be rejecting it under the sale and supply of goods act,and drew their attention to section 6 of the 2003 ammendment that it is now put the onus is on the dealer /maker to prove that the fault was not present at time of delivery, i am waiting for their response tommorow

Have you managed to get yours sorted? Have spoken to Skoda UK and they are escalating the problem.

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Have you managed to get yours sorted? Have spoken to Skoda UK and they are escalating the problem.

no still at dealers theyve tried a new ecu an that gave allsorts of probs, theyve been in contact with skoda, told to do this nthat, so the next step is a scout coming in tomorrow which they going to take bits off to sort mine out, still not decided what to do with it, at the moment am letting them try bits swapping then see what happens, hope ur avin more luck.


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Sounds like you are having as much fun as me with this.

Skoda Technical are playing witht he car doing "this and that" same as yours.

its still at dealers, theyve had it conected to the factory so they can set it up, apparently they are scratching their heads with its problems, at least skoda uk have given me 2 years free servicing should i ever get my scout back

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its still at dealers, theyve had it conected to the factory so they can set it up, apparently they are scratching their heads with its problems, at least skoda uk have given me 2 years free servicing should i ever get my scout back

My Dealer seems to have got to the bottom of mine (touch wood)

They have had to download a new disc for the Coding machine and then totally re-code the whole car a completly different way, apparantly one of the doors had a different coding to the others. I have got it back and it is working (at the moment) but i will be paying close attention to this. Perhaps your dealer could ring my dealer and see if they can get together on yours (Caffyns Ashford). Might help. Anyways hope you get yors back eventually.

Now all io have to do is wait for Skoda UK to call me back and see what i can get out of them, maybe i can get 2 years free serviceing too! http://ww1.briskoda.net/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/emoticon-0140-rofl.gif


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We have had this same problem on our 1.6Tdi SE FL Fabia 2. Any more info you guys have since found out could be invaluable getting this sorted promptly as it's going into the dealer tomorrow, I would like to convey as much information as possible?

First time it happened we thought it was a random glitch, but it has since happened again and is unacceptable to have to wait with the car for half an hour or more until it decides it will listen to the key again.

Many thanks!

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