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Bad dealer experience - opinions needed


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Well, I visited Vindis in Cambridge for the second time for assorted faults today and on the job list were the following items:

Replace dash cluster - parts supposedly ordered after last visit

Fit balancing weights to rear calipers - again parts ordered supposedly

Fix glovebox light - parts ordered again supposedly

Fit stereo I supplied

Inspect fogged up headlamp

I dropped it off about 10am and picked it up at 4. During this time, tasks completed:

A valet

That's it. The job list didn't have the dash cluster or glovebox light on it, and they didn't have the parts in. They called me mid afternoon to say they had established I needed the balancing weights for the calipers, and they had to be ordered in. When I pointed out the fact that the only reason they knew about this fix, was because I told them about it on my last viit to the service manager who confirrmed afterwards he had ordered the necessary parts, they claimed ignorance and blamed it on the service manager, who has now left.

They didn't install the stereo - at first they claimed I had not supplied the facia adaptor and they had ordered one, I told them to check the box as I knew for a fact it was in there. They then said that after taking the standard unit out, they found that the alpine deck needed a separate power supply and they didn't have any 30amp cable suited to the job in stock, and had to refit the original radio. I accepted this at the time, but when I took the car home I realised the preset radio stations and settins were still on the unit - surely if this had been removed, these would have been lost, wouldn't they?

As for the headlight, I was told VW group warranties don't cover headlights misting up. All they will do under warranty is attack it with a hairdryer to clear the fogging. This sounds like prize bull**** to me, and I asked the general manager to confirm with Skoda UK about it, can anybody confirm for me that I am within my rights to expect a fogged up headlight 9 weeks into ownership of the vehicle to be replaced under warranty?

Anyway, after all this and having now taken two days off work to not have my car fixed, I got no real explanation of why the parts hadn't been ordered, a sorry, and an offer of a full tank of diesel when I take the car back next week. This isn't good enough in my book. What do you lot think I should do in this situation?


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Sounds harsh! :(

As a guide if ever I book my car in for repairs, such as I had to for the new ARB, I booked the car in provisionally, but they only confirmed the date truly, once the part was actually in and ready to fit. This way they know they have the bits and exactly what work needs to be done.

It sounds like some of your issue though was down to inefficiency, such as the fascia panel issue. Headlights shouldn't fog up IMO, unless there was a leak or crack. If this is a manufacturing issue, I believe the warranty should cover it. if its a stone that did it, I'm not so sure. It also sounds like the previous service manager was a muppet and you should be glad he's gone. Its harsh the repercussions of his muppetry has affected you directly though. :(

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Afraid they are right about the headlamp, VAG dont cover them for steaming up, Skoda wont pay the dealer for the repair. Headlamp units are not sealed, if they were then the heat built up by the bulb would distort the plastic lens (thats the official bullcrap).

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Afraid they are right about the headlamp, VAG dont cover them for steaming up, Skoda wont pay the dealer for the repair. Headlamp units are not sealed, if they were then the heat built up by the bulb would distort the plastic lens (thats the official bullcrap).

In that case, any suggestions on how to clean the inside of the lens??? :confused:

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Personally, I feel like I've been shafted. I'm having to make 3 trips when 1 should have covered it or two at the most, and take extra days off work that I could be putting to better use. An insincere sorry and half a tank of diesel as a means of apology is p1ss poor in my book. :thumbdwn:

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Afraid they are right about the headlamp, VAG dont cover them for steaming up, Skoda wont pay the dealer for the repair. Headlamp units are not sealed, if they were then the heat built up by the bulb would distort the plastic lens (thats the official bullcrap).

So how do they differentiate between Headlight lenses & the indicator lenses next to them?

I had both of mine replaced due to condensation and subsequent cracking, all done under warranty.

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Afraid they are right about the headlamp, VAG dont cover them for steaming up, Skoda wont pay the dealer for the repair. Headlamp units are not sealed, if they were then the heat built up by the bulb would distort the plastic lens (thats the official bullcrap).

Except if you are driving a VAG car in America where to get approval it has to be sealed.... Lotus were granted an exception for this when the Elise went up for approval.

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Depends on how long its removed for, but generally yes.

Thought so. I was given the impression the stereo was out for over an hour. Any idea how long it would take with the power disconnected to reset? Less than 10 mins I would think...

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Yeah, think they are pulling your chain, you been in touch with Customer Care?

Not yet. Didn't think it was a good idea bearing in mind they are fitting an aftermarket stereo too, Skoda UK might frown upon that maybe? From a warranty point of view?

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A tank of fuel? That actually rather good for them.

They failed to even clean my car last week after the recall work was done.

I think the radio will retain the radio stations but will loose the security code which they would have easy access to in order to reactivate it.

I would write to the general manager stating what you put in your initial post in terms of what the car was booked in for and why. Copy it to Skoda Customer Services (they might not do much but at least they will hold onto a copy of the letter). Suggest that they arrange one final date to do the work and arrange a time. Ask them to specify how long the work will take and get them to call you by 3pm on the day before to confirm they have all the parts. Give it until 4pm then chase them up to check the parts are in.

They do open on Saturday mornings if you don't work weekends.

Suggest they compensate you for the time you've taken off.

The dealership have had major upheavals over the past year with most of the changes going on in the service department. Things are improving but still have a way to go (in my opinion).

All I can say is copy your comments into the reviews section for future visitors to the site to see.

Good luck with getting it all resolved.

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Dont see how an aftermarket stereo unit can invalidate your warranty.

I would be suggesting to them of the need to sort your problems out very quickly and with the minimum of fuss, because otherwise I would be taking it very much further.Plus of course they wouldnt like the loss of any buisiness you might put their way in the future.

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As it stands the general manager has offered to take the car off me next weds eve (meaning he will need to wait there until about half 6 as agreed for me to get from St Albans to Cambridge) and I will take a courtesy car, they will carry out the work on the thurs or friday and I will collect it on the saturday. I hope they put part of the tank of diesel they're offering in the courtesy car, my vRS has a full tank at the mo but the Fabia Comfort (poorly chosen name if ever there was one in my mind, based on the beaten up old nail I had) they supplied as a courtesy car today already had the reserve light on. Fortunately I was only taking it a few miles otherwise I would have had something else to screw at them for!!!

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Re Headlight steaming up, If it steams up then IMO its a fault.

It can only steam up if there is an air leak around the joints or where the bulb holder seals to the unit, check this area carefully, Ive had similar problems & it was caused by a sidelight wire being trapped under the edge of the rubber seal to the bulb unit (my fault when changing headlight bulbs)

They dont steam up on most cars so why should yours ?

Will a car with fogged up headlights fail the MOT, I dont know the answer but if its yes then your car is technically illegal & the headlights as fitted are "not fit for purpose" so Skoda should sort it.

I bet VAG wouldnt try & fob off an Audi owner with the same "excuse" so wht should you accept it

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Yes a fogged up head light lens would cause the car to fail its MoT, happened to me once ith a Lada. I agree it is a fault and unacceptable in a new car. Sometimes I wonder if the warranty is worth the paper it is printed on.

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So how do they differentiate between Headlight lenses & the indicator lenses next to them?

I had both of mine replaced due to condensation and subsequent cracking' date=' all done under warranty.[/quote']

Same here, just had both front indicator's repaced, only one was misting up but the dealer did both so they would match :D

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Same here, just had both front indicator's repaced, only one was misting up but the dealer did both so they would match :D

so they would match?????????????? Surely they are standard. I broke one on my old Felicia, the new one I bought matched perfectly!

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so they would match?????????????? Surely they are standard. I broke one on my old Felicia, the new one I bought matched perfectly!

Car was 6 months old so the dealer wanted them to both look new ;)

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