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Nicest Fabia on Briskoda?


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Me and Jase were at silverstone in 08 i passed him and he never got me back, i even pulled so much on him i had time for a trip into the kitty litter and rejoin still ahead!!!!! He makes the usuall racing driver excuses but its my win and i'm keeping it :rofl:

both of us managed near 9 minute dead laps at the nurburgring tho, but in my defense he knew it better than me, but now i have well over 100 laps under my belt that might have changed too B)

did your Fabia ever work out which way Mavis went at Trax in 200something?


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I love your rears now. (laminx?) How much did you need for them? And was it gun smoke colour?



I bought an 8" by 12" piece of Lamin X to do the

clear sections of the pre facelift clusters.

On mine I made 2 cardboard templates to fit the gaps first

Then used them to cut corresponding pieces of Lamin x.

I still had enough spare out of that piece to allow me to muck

up the application of one segment. Didn't need the 5th segment in the end.

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