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Cheap 20% power increase

Kenny R

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Guest westallc

these are amazing something ive kept under the hood for along time not wishing to share my secret but now you have made it public i have 6 fitted at the moment have orderd another 2 hopeing for 500bhp we shall see

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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you wont be the second. check out his feedback - he has sold loads of them!

lots of positive feedback from people saying they work a treat!

I'd be interested to see a dyno test of one though.......

yes one guy said it has been on a rolling road! mainly people like the looks and sounds! :giggle:

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I'd be interested to see a dyno test of one though.......

I remember a few years ago there was a rolling road graph of the difference these made. I think it was on an MR2 and made something like 1-2bhp across the rev range. I think you can that much by lining up the spark plugs!

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What sort of an almighty ars*hole sells crap like this, and more to the point what sort of a moron buys it!

It's literally just a hairdryer.

I need to show this to the guys here that design superchargers (real ones)! Actually, I might print it off and post it by the coffee machine to entertain people.......

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I seriously can't believe someone makes these, even more that someone bought one. Noticed that the pictures on ebay are under the bonnet of what looks like an 8 year old Astra. Says something about the market that they're targetted at.......

Thinking about some smoked out lights, a big whale tail spolier and some flames down the side of the car to go with it... :rofl: .

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I think it will do something..., even if it's just quicker off/on throttle transitions. However, In terms of WOT power, it'll do SFA/2 to improve it. It's more likely to be an obstruction than a help.


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I think it will do something..., even if it's just quicker off/on throttle transitions. However, In terms of WOT power, it'll do SFA/2 to improve it. It's more likely to be an obstruction than a help.


According to the manufacturers website it only activates at WOT, it has a microswitch that you either attach to the throttle body or put under the throttle pedal that spools the fan up when floor it.

Therefore as much use as a chocolate tea pot.

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This article is quite interesting on these electric superchargers.

AutoSpeed - Twin Turbo Zet electronic supercharger

To go with that and gain even more power, please place some magnets on your fuel line and top up your oil that is made from snakes.

There was another great supercharger that someone spotted this year. http://briskoda.net/forums/topic/148961-turbo-turbonator-supercharger-air-intake-fuel-saver-fan/

Edited by Jim H
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One for the Nova Boys I think

(turn the sound up)

Oh my god... My name is Jayson and I used to drive a Nova as my first car emoticon-0106-crying.gif

It NEVER looked like that though emoticon-0104-surprised.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

i have one fitted on my microwave and havent looked back

i can now cook a joint of beef in 1 second

I have one stuck under my bed.. Now I can get 8 hours sleep in 20 minutes emoticon-0140-rofl.gif

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