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Disposal of brake fluid


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Where would be the best place to dispose brake fluid? I know they accept used engine oils at the local tip but can I put the brake fluid in this too?

Most likely. Merseyside WDA says "Brake fluid can be taken to all 14 of Merseyside’s Household Waste Recycling Centres as engine/motor oil", so why not in Manchester?

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After beading, I pour it into an old oil bottle to be taken to recycled with oil.

Looking at a few tips( sorry ,recycling centres ,as my SIL would say) , they all seem to built on similar lines, with some sort of fluid disposal bin . And the sign in these places that makes me laugh -"It is an offence to remove anything from this place " - FFS- folk go there to dispose of junk, not collect it :rofl:

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I'd pour it down the drain tbh.


Really? we have to put brake old brake fluid into its own 205L drum at work,we have one for old coolant too,we where told not to put it in with the old engine oil as that gets recycled & brakre fluid contaminates it.

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Lol I was joking when I said.that.

Ha ha,i was hopling you were!...........you cant pour any vehicle waste fluids down the drains,if enviromental health found out(which they can do by testing the drains) you would be in a world of poo. why people think its ok to pour a hazardous fluid down a public drain is madness.(not aimed at you fatty5000)

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Really? we have to put brake old brake fluid into its own 205L drum at work,we have one for old coolant too,we where told not to put it in with the old engine oil as that gets recycled & brakre fluid contaminates it.

Totally correct, all brake fluids, waste oils, coolants have by law, to be kept in separate containers, I used to work for one of the largest collectors of waste products from the motor trade doing this type of work, although I think Safety-Kleen have now taken over most of this type of waste disposal.

Anyone caught disposing of any of the above via the drain system leaves themselves open to major fines, and the EA do conduct checks and can easily trace it back to scource..

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