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It's getting darker and colder now for this lark!


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Up to your usual standard :thumbup: need to meet up when i head to potters bar at the start of next year :D

Thanks and no problem at all, just drop me a PM sometime............. :yes:

Nice work! - Amazing how that swirling came out. Looked like glass at the end! :thumbup:

Thanks, had to be one of the toughest paints I had ever worked on, even with the low Paint Thickness readings I was still struggling to achieve really good correction................ :S

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Nice motor..... i like this model....bigger alloys required though!

Great job as always Simon.


Ste. :thumbup:

They are 18's and are pretty wide but I know what you mean............ :thumbup:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Many thanks and of course, what sort of areas do you need some tips on?

Well with wanting to be too specific....make it looks as good as that merc. Nar just any general advice that would help a mere car cleaning mortal.

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Well with wanting to be too specific....make it looks as good as that merc. Nar just any general advice that would help a mere car cleaning mortal.

Well, er that is a pretty tough spec to give some tips too................. :S

The best thing you can do if your a 'newbie' to this level of work is to ensure you are washing your car safely, investing in a couple of buket's with gritguards, a couple of lambswool wash mitt's and a waffle weave drying towel. These items will enable you to wash your car safely without inflicting anymore damage.

Then I would suggest claying the car, this will give you that slick finish and reduce the amount of contaminents on the paintwork.

Laying down any protection after this stage will help you to wash the car so much easier next time around.

If you want to then step things on you would need some machine work and paintwork prep to make the car as spotless as it can be.

For black motor's I would recommend the Blackfire Wet Over Ice kit, this performs well and has a good level of durability.

Anything else more in depth required?

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Si if you take the wheel weights off when cleaning the wheels aren't they then unbalanced when refitted??

Apologies but it was a badly worded sentence, I meant to say removing the wheel weight sticker's, meaning old wheel weight stickers from previous tyres having been on the rims......................... :thumbup:

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