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high rpm on 1.6 cr 105


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has anyone else noticed that the revs on the 1.6 cr engine often stays at 1000 rpm when the car comes to a stop, sometimes with the revs dropping to the normal 800, and sometimes staying at 1000, this happens at various running conditions, so ive found it difficult to pinpoint a reason for this, the scout has just over 6000 miles, and it averages about 55mpg at mway speed,

hope anyone can help, it may be a trait of the engine, as the dealer might say

thanks, regards

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has anyone else noticed that the revs on the 1.6 cr engine often stays at 1000 rpm when the car comes to a stop, sometimes with the revs dropping to the normal 800, and sometimes staying at 1000,

Yup, mine does this. I assumed it was trying to do the DPF regeneration of whatever its called as it is often accompanied by a hot electric smell. Mine has 1300 on the clock.

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has anyone else noticed that the revs on the 1.6 cr engine often stays at 1000 rpm when the car comes to a stop, sometimes with the revs dropping to the normal 800, and sometimes staying at 1000, this happens at various running conditions, so ive found it difficult to pinpoint a reason for this, the scout has just over 6000 miles, and it averages about 55mpg at mway speed,

hope anyone can help, it may be a trait of the engine, as the dealer might say

thanks, regards


See my post here :


I was a 'wee' bit concerned myself with this 'behaviour' but have decided that it is as a result of the cold weather just now and is normal?

DPF regeneration is different with the 1000r.p.m. tickover much more 'lumpy'....!!!!


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My CR sometimes revs to a 1000 rpm like you describe. I put it down to the exceptionally cold weather. It is had been doing this trait recently during the snow and the previous deluge about a month ago.

However it does not when the weather is warmer.....Ive also experienced the surging as well but it has been similar to an old car when on "choke", however it has never been disconcerting to me whilst driving.

Cars just passed 3000 miles and averaging about 54 mpg. At a 1000 miles it was 48 mpg.



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