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I've had a new Skoda Fabia 1.2 Comfort for 5 months now and could not be happier! I'm 18 years old and although its my mums car, theres 5800 miles on the clock, my dad did 1000 to run it in and i've done the rest! Freedom at last!!

Bin reading a lot of interesting posts on here and finally got round to registering, proud to be part of it. :thumbup:

Beijing Badboy

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Hello and Welcome:D

its good to have you amoung us,and its good to see the younger generation enjoying the benefits of driving/owning a skoda.

have you had a hard time from your mates because your enjoying your first taste of freedom in a "Skoda"?

hope to see you at an event or 2 this year:D

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Hi alex,

Well initially i thought that i would get some stick but everyones quite open minded plus the fact that they all say its just a VW. But after i took them out for a spin n beat a few on the dual carriageway everyone really likes it! A mate's got a corsa which unfortunately broke down, n i quote, 'shoulda bought a skoda'.

it's all good fun

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Sounds good fun,oh to 18 again!!!

even though i'm "Only 31" reminds me of when i changed my car when i was 18-24,all about how it looked and what it was.

and now i've got a Skoda Octavia vRS pushing out approx 250bhp thats great at surprising so many other cars because so many people still have the old image of Skoda in there heads.

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Exactly, people are still in the old times. Must feel good having all that power. It will be a while yet before id get that much fun, which leads me onto a question, if i rang up a skoda dealer to book a test drive in a fab vrs, do u think they'd let me?!

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Yeah, sure is a good first car!

Back to the issue about test driving a vrs, when we went to buy the fabia 1.2, the salesperson allowed me to test drive it, at the time i was only 17, though i was with my mum n dad.

It is a compnay policy?

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