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Clutch Pedal


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I just got a little annoyd with my clutch pedal on my way home from work today.

The traffic was jammed (as usual) and I drove without any music on in the car. Then suddenly I noticed this annoying clicking sounds from the clutch pedal.

The clicking sounds, sound in the 1st gear and in the 2nd gear.

Anobody that can explain to me why that is?

I might add that the clicking sound comes just when the pedal is halfway up, and is to be released (with a gear ofcourse).


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The only annoying time I have with the clutch pedal is if I tread in diesel with the left foot at the garage - then I can't get any grip and my foot slides all over the shop! - Had a few dodgy 1st gear starts where my de-clutching involved just slipping off the pedal... :rolleyes:

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The diesel's meant to go in that little hole in the side of the car near the back. Putting it on your feet won't help.


I've taken to having a good look around the forecourt when I get out the car to avoid these situations. Once the diesel gets on your carpet the stink lasts for days. Then you tread it in the house...then the other half gets mad... etc etc


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:rofl: - I have a very good "aim" ya know. It's probably those damned Transit drivers who spill it everywhere (trying to provoke some retorts)

I do sometimes however pull the nozzle out when it clicks and try and squeeze an extra quids worth in there. :)

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My clutch pedal sometimes clicks just before the fully up position. I thought it was the tread on my shoes catching on the pedal rubber, but the same thing happened with smooth-soled tennis shoes. :(

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I ain't talking to you it's your fault it's raining and it's thundering.....and there's B****Y hail stones now. ;)

I meen how am I going to wax the RS now it's been almost 2 hours since the last time. :(

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you think having diesel in the carpet smells bad? I've heard that people (in the US) who run over Skunks have to sell the car as the smell just dosn't go away.

Thank God we don't have SKunks in the UK although some people may say we do and that the reside inthe Houses Of Parliment or wear black uniforms and eat donuts.

Ok, I acknowledge this is little off topic oh great moderator in the ethernet.



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It's good to hear that I'm not alone with this phenomenon.

It's strange that the clicking sound doesn't popup when no gear is in and pressing the clutchpedal up'n'down.

And as in my case in the 1st and 2nd gear. The other gears just working fine with the clutchpedal.



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hmmm good one haven't heard click personally (maybee because i road test customers cars with radio on volume no 30 lol) as far as i know the pedal has a spring (which could cause this ?) a switch similar to the brake light switch ( has one on clutch and brake pedal tells ecu to lean off mixture when braking or changing gear (2004 eu emmisions regulations) you should try driving the car and resting foot on brake for a couple of secs and see what happens. or it could be shear feed back from clutch (these engine have quite a bit of torque/power these days and the diesels have two mass flyweels and you can fell everthing through clutch pedal but these are just guesses i will have a listen next time i go out in one. hope this helps cheers big k (without the sledge hammer this time).

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Originally posted by devonutopia in this post

:rofl: - I have a very good "aim" ya know. It's probably those damned Transit drivers who spill it everywhere (trying to provoke some retorts)

I do sometimes however pull the nozzle out when it clicks and try and squeeze an extra quids worth in there. :)

Talking about re-fuelling, I was re-fuelling down the local Safeway diesel pump the other day (they have seperate pumps away from the unleaded crew so we get priority and no waiting:D). One of the pumps leaks madly and you have to put those gloves on if you want to use it and not have your hand stinking of diesel for the next 3 weeks. The other is fine except it has a novile little twist for getting more money out of you than normal. Filling it up I stopped a

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I've had pumps click over a penny, whilst I'm in the garage too. Something to do with a bit dribbling out I reckon after the nozzle is removed from the hole..? Don't really mind too much as most people pay on plaggy now anyway.. :)

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Originally posted by big k in this post

hmmm good one haven't heard click personally (maybee because i road test customers cars with radio on volume no 30 lol) as far as i know the pedal has a spring (which could cause this ?)

I reckon you're right on the spring. Mine certainly sounds like

a creaky spring-related noise. And I can make it in all gears,

though I probably shouldn't... :D


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Originally posted by flyingscot in this post

Since I took it out of the car and into the pump it screwed me out of 3p! Obviously a nice little earner for Safeway there.....

Rather than let the 3p worth dribble back into the pipe, drop the nozzle when you remove it and let the 3p worth dribble onto the forecourt. At least you will be getting value for money then. :D
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Originally posted by DGW in this post

Rather than let the 3p worth dribble back into the pipe, drop the nozzle when you remove it and let the 3p worth dribble onto the forecourt. At least you will be getting value for money then. :D

Ahh you'd think wouldn't you! But in real terms it doesn't work that way. It in the movement from the car to the pump that the extra 3p clicks up no matter what! I believe it's to do with the stretching that we make it do since the fuel filler is the otherside from the pump. Only otherway to do it is to get a mate to press the lever down on the pump until you get there with it. I know 3p doesn't sound alot but twice a week over a year it would get you another 5 odd litres. And thats too expensive to waste. I have investigated this as you can see:D

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Now I've noticed that not only is my clutchpedal makeing a clicking sound but it also knirches when it's on the low-end section (almost downpressed).

I really hate it, but it's probably supposed to be that way after a while.

It sounds like my fathers Nissan Micra K10 -87. Can't they make the vRS's with tiptronic!?


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Originally posted by FightingDiva in this post

Can't they make the vRS's with tiptronic!?

...or just plain ordinary automatic. That would suit the car's character down to the ground. :D
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Originally posted by flyingscot in this post

I have investigated this as you can see:D

Have you contacted Trading Standards and asked them what they think about it? 3p times thousands and thousands of customers equals a lot of money Tesco shouldn't be getting.
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Originally posted by DGW in this post

Have you contacted Trading Standards and asked them what they think about it? 3p times thousands and thousands of customers equals a lot of money Tesco shouldn't be getting.

No:p I used to work for Safeway and some of the guys wouldn't like it too much, but I've worked my way round it!

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