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JBS Auto Design

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Hello all.

I have been reading the forum for ages now , but finally joined.

The reason why is I love Skoda`s.

I worked at 2 Skoda dealers for 5 years from the launch of the Fabia back in March 2000.

I now work in Chesterfield and fortunately I still work with Skoda`s.

Although now not at a dealer.

The job is great and I get to see some wonderfull cars.

No doubt somewhere along the lines I have met some of you.

I will be finding my feet on the forum and get to know how to use it.

I am not that good with computers , but hope to pick it up along the way.

But anyway Hi all!!

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Yes love the cars!

Its bad when you come home from a late night out on the town , jump in to an Octavia taxi and talk Skoda`s eith the taxi driver!

Yes I am sad , I do that.

Chatted to one taxi guy who had prblem with the indicators.

Told him problem and part number , even quoted fault codes!

My friends say I am sad.

Yes I am.

But thanx for your welcomes!!

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Yes love the cars!

Its bad when you come home from a late night out on the town ' date=' jump in to an Octavia taxi and talk Skoda`s eith the taxi driver!

Yes I am sad , I do that.

Chatted to one taxi guy who had prblem with the indicators.

Told him problem and part number , even quoted fault codes!

My friends say I am sad.

Yes I am.

But thanx for your welcomes!![/quote']

I've done the same, welcome to the 'saddo geeky nerd club' :o

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Hi all yes it`s Sarah.

It is about time I joined I know.

Taken me a while I know , but you see I get that carried away with my work that I just don`t have the time.

Been trying to sort out some really nice things for the Skoda people around.

No doubt that you will all be hearing about it all soon.

Be seeing a really nice 4x4 soon , eh Eddie?

Hope you have noticed that it is a sunday and I am on..

Thats dedication for you!!

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