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My name is John, a Skoda Fabia owner from Bolton. Had Skodas for years but never been involved in clubs, meetings etc. I have never had a diesel car before and having owned this car for two years still can't believe what a good all rounder it is.

I lust after a VRS but I'm afraid this will have to wait a while until finances permit.

Look forward to hearing from some of you.


John :thumbup:

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Guess I must know you then Ian. Bought a few cars from Parkside Garage over the years. Got my present Fabia from Horners in Bury. Very good service and trade in for my Smart.

I work for local NHS service and spend a lot of time driving around. Diesel makes a lot of sense.

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I used to use Horners in Manchester... but after a difference of opinion avoid them like the proverbial plague these days.

Local NHS - with three daughters have had quite a lot of dealing with them, what do you do?

I'm on the "M61" side of Bolton...

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My name is John' date=' a Skoda Fabia owner from Bolton. Had Skodas for years but never been involved in clubs, meetings etc. I have never had a diesel car before and having owned this car for two years still can't believe what a good all rounder it is.

I lust after a VRS but I'm afraid this will have to wait a while until finances permit.

Look forward to hearing from some of you.


John :thumbup:[/quote']

Are you a Wanderer John :thumbup:

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I'm a smoking cessation specialist. That's helping people to stop smoking, not diesel cars!

Not a Wanderer I'm afraid, football's never been my thing. Too busy being mad about cars.

Thanks for woarm welcome guys!

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