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Cambelt query for Ross Clarke if available


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I am going to do a belt change on a Fabia tdi 100 (march 2001 model)

Heard many things about the belts, such as

new material and newer belts available, longer time to next change ie greater than 60000. ?

good idea to change the roller mechanism as well something about larger diameter bearings. ?

also waterpump at the same time, although i heard that this was only worthwhile for pumps with nylon impellors.

Also any special tools required.

Part numbers and prices would be good and do you have them in stock or order times.

Probably not expecting you to answer this one but third party parts any good.


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ATD (100bhp PD) is due every 80,000 miles according to Skoda, but I generally mention it at 60,000 and leave it to the customer to decide.

Are you planning to do the cambelt yourself? Have you done a PD cambelt before? There are some essential locking tools you will need to do the job. It is also recomended that you change the roller tensioner, I wouldnt owrry about the water pump unless its leaking or something. Ive not seen a PD water pump fail, unlike the petrol ones.

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Cheers Ross.

Technically up to the job if a bit rusty. Not done a change on a car before though.

Most of the diesels I worked on are 3,000 hp + so getting amongst the tight space may be interesting.

I am trying to get a balance between the hassle of doing the job at home and the cost of the special tools vs getting a garage eg Pilling to do just that specific job. Probably looks better at re-sale time as well.

Appreciate your time.


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