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jabba remap and clutch wear??


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It's bad practise to leave your car in gear and foot on brake and i don't remember my driving instructor telling me to do this, in fact i think you will find that a qualified instructor will tell you to disengage gear and apply handbrake at juctions and traffic lights (maybe somebody is getting confused with when approaching a junction, when all is clear obviously you would not totally stop just slow down slightly before the manouver)

Anyway, this was not my point and it's getting slightly off topic. All i was trying to say was if you give the car the Jabba treatment it may pay to vary the driving and not look at applying all of the torque all of the time. :D

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Official driving instructor behaviour is supposed to be to take it OUT of gear, and put the handbrake on.

This can be slower, and they sometimes tell you not to do it if you are really a beginner. But as mentioned by Superted - not a great deal of point ;)

Clutch wear will be bad if you don't use it properly :)

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Official driving instructor behaviour is supposed to be to take it OUT of gear, and put the handbrake on.

Seeing as we're getting quiet hung-up about this surely it's apply handbrake first, and then take it out of gear......

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Seeing as we're getting quiet hung-up about this surely it's apply handbrake first, and then take it out of gear......
That's ceretainly what the Driving Standards Agency Driving Manual says.
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