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Calling Octy II VRs CR170 owners - DSG box question...

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I find that when stationary with the brake pressed the engine note changes, if you remove the brake and use the handbrake it is not there.

Its like there is a lackof vacuum to the brake servo or something that cause the engine to rumble a little more?

Thanks all!

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If you have it is D and you press the brake when you are stationary then the clutch is disengaged. If you use the handbrake when in drive the car will try and pull away so i wouldn't recommend this!

With the brake pressed the engine note does change but nothing out of the ordinary....

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jrw, thanks for that, good to know it is usual on these CR DSG's.

Yes the handbrake was just to test that brake vacuum was causing the issue (done in safe conditions).

I remember on some early DSG PD Golf's they did not pull forward upon releasing the brake, not sure what I prefer.

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