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vcds and skc


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just down loaded vcds and will be buying the propper lead that i will need, but,will i still be able to use this without the skc code.

i have phoned around and no dealer can give me the code because they say it is all done by computer and even they dont get to see the code.

any help would be gratefull



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thanks mike

i will need to pair a new transponder to the car, have tryed 3 dealerships, and none of them will be able to get it for me, they say it all done by computer now and they cant even see the code.how do i get hold of this code???



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In some cases the SKC can be retrieved from the immobiliser/cluster over the diagnostic link with a tool like VAGTacho, for others it's achievable by physically removing and dumping the EEPROM to decode it with the right software. In the remainder, though, you've no choice but to pay the £120-odd for a dealer to hook it up to their system and let it talk directly to the factory's computer to do the login.

I don't know offhand which cars are compatible with which method, but it may be worth asking a local auto electrician/locksmith (especially one who specialises in VWs) to see if they can do it for yours. If so it could still end up even more expensive than having a new key coded by a dealer, depending on how much they need to do, but at least you would then have a code for future reference.

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We charge £40 for SKC retrieval, and charge £30 to code a key.

I was going to add that when I got a key coded to my old leon it only cost me about £30 at the dealer (1/2hr labour). The problem was that I'd bought a VAGTacho lead thinking it would work... but it didn't :(

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...

vag tacho is working only up to around 2006 cars... and it is LOGIN you get not SKC. genuine vag commander (around £4000) will get the skc codes.. just looking for cheaper alternative...

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