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Photography Thread


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I went outside tonight to get my evening 'fix' of watching the spacestation move across the sky and noticed the moon creating a halo effect which I can't recall seeing before.

After quickly nipping inside to get my phone, I managed to take a photo with the spacestation (at 10 o'clock) also in the shot. The blue 'blob' is just a lens reflection I think. :sadsmile:



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It's the end of the world time paradox interpolation event horizon!!!!!!  Runnnnnnn



Is the blob on the left the ISS? It looks huge. It looks more like 'at 9 o'clock' to me though :D unless I am looking at the wrong thing, which is more than likely. 


Edited by Lady Elanore
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I started looking at the lovely sunset, then began wondering if you travel by train to work and that was taken when you got back and in the car park at a travel interchange of some sort :D 

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42 minutes ago, Lady Elanore said:

I started looking at the lovely sunset, then began wondering if you travel by train to work and that was taken when you got back and in the car park at a travel interchange of some sort :D 

Taken in a filling station forecourt one night, when I was in buying a pie. 

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....if you'll stay with me 'til dawn.   B)



Edited by Schtum
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