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  • 3 weeks later...

Well done on your order. I ordered a vRS Fabia Estate from there this week! :)

10-12 weeks, will be keen to keep in touch and see how your order is progressing.

I've been quoted 14 weeks at the worst for mine.

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Same as you my good man, White Dove Cardiff.

I think I sat in that red Monte Carlo too - it's still in the showroom.

Wife liked it and wanted me to have that one, but I was adamant on the vRS :D

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Stephen sorted the main deal then another chap did all the number crunching for me.

They were all lovely chaps to be fair. Having a test drive of a Red vRS estate on Friday. Can't wait!

I'm hoping they'll be getting my build week sorted soon - I am champing at the bit already.

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No don't need a service package, can generally afford servicing as and when :)

I've only ordered a bog standard vRS with one extra, so I don't know what effect this has on the build week. I was just told it could be 14 weeks as a worse case, and looking at lots of other Estate orders around on here, that looks like it may be par for the course, so to speak.

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I just like knowing that I don't have to stress about servicing or maintenance should anything happen! I went nuts with the options list as it's my first brand new car and I'd rather have what I like and be happy with it.. thats my logic anyway! :D Have to come see your VRS when you get it and vice versa :p

Certainly! Whereabouts are you based?

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Ahhh my old stomping grounds!

I'm from the valleys originally but spent a lot of time in Newport around 2001-2009 as I was in uni then and I was with a girl from Caerwent.

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Well I lived in Tredegar up in the valleys for 26 years, live in Bridgend with my wife now.

Though I know Caerleon pretty well, most of that area in fact :D

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