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NEW Shark Performance Group Buy


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Agree with all of the above, a deposit is a good idea, I'd of been happy with that as well.

Thanks for the update Ben, looking forward to receiving the STS at the end of the month :thumbup:

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i think its just a lack of common courtesy on the part of those who haven't paid up, financial situations can change but manners cost nothing!

Well said. People who do that type of thing end up with a bad reputation. Justifiable so IMO.

These GB are hard work for everyone involved.

I'm happy to see so many people will get the Shark treatment. I cant recommend it enough B)

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Ive not even told my lass yet, carnt wait for that conversation

I wouldn't do that, she would notice and kill me for not telling her. You're a brave man :rofl:

Mine kicked off and still is especially as she just got her hours cut. Oh well it's paid for now so it's happening.

Its because I moaned about spending nearly £700 on food shopping last month :o I was horrified looking at the statement.

Its all weighed out, we had free solar panels fitted yesterday so that should help with the electric bill and my Christmas money will be going on the remap :dull:

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I've added my name but it seems to have disappeared from the list :wonder:

Edit: I think Grizzle is out judging by the reply I got on Detailing World :dull:

i've added your first name back onto the above list. i sent grizzle a message on detailing world but i didn't get anything back. hopefully he's at least let shark know so that it doesn't hold the group buy up again.

Some people eh :dull: . Why sign yourself up to a group buy if you have no intention of paying up.

what exactly has it to do with you both anyway?? My circumstances changed so dont need it i already sent shark and email whether they got it i don't know i didn't get a read receipt for it either

there is 46 people a min of 30 i think was the group buy, its highly unlikely they will miss a few hundred quid they have made a few bob from this anyway.

If you have a problem email me Graham.reid at fsmail net i'll gladly speak to you once you come down from your high horse.

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Oh dear .... :think:

On the upside, the STS Units are on their way on monday... to you! :rock:

Your Self Tuning Systems are being dispatched and sent Monday via Special Delivery, so be expecting them very soon!!!

Cheryl :)

P.s If i see one more package, box, or unit i may burst !! :whew:

Edited by Shark_^_Cheryl
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I wouldn't do that, she would notice and kill me for not telling her. You're a brave man :rofl:

Its because I moaned about spending nearly £700 on food shopping last month :o I was horrified looking at the statement.

Its all weighed out, we had free solar panels fitted yesterday so that should help with the electric bill and my Christmas money will be going on the remap :dull:

Haha i had a giggle at all of you guys on about your women :giggle:

Your already in trouble (or going to be anyway!) so just enjoy it now!!! :rofl:

They're on their way soon! :dance:


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