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Fabia Power Steering Warning Light


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I was driving to work this morning in my Fabia Elegance TDi and the Power Stering Warning light came on. The power steering was still working. When I got to work I stopped and restarted the engine and the light did not come back on. I had a quick search throught the forums and see that the sensors have been a problem in the past. Is this still an issue? The car is about a year old. If so should I contact the garage and get them to replace the sensor under warranty?

On a seperate note, a few weeks ago I was driving home and had the thermostat set to the lowest setting it would go to. However the air coming out was very hot, as if I had it set to the highest setting. It seems to have been OK since, althought the journey in question was longer than I normally do so the engine would have been hotter than normal. Has anybody else had problems with the thermostat?



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I have just phone the dealer (West End Garage, Broxburn) and explained both problems to them. They said that they will look at the Power Steering issue.

However they said that they have never had any problems with the heating system on a Fabia. He said that what I described was normal behaviour, the CLimate Control is correcting the cabin temperature. Is this a load of rubbish? The temperature of the air is way too hot and makes it a very uncomfortable driving experience.

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Dont know much about the Climate Control.

But the power steering I do.

I used to do warranty claims for 2 dealers for 5 years.

The power steering light can come on because of the Yaw angle sensor.

It has been a problem in the past.But superceeded parts was supposed to cure it.

Another problem could be that the power steering fluid could be low.

I have seen that before aswell.

If your car is still covered under warranty get it checked.

But always ask what was faulty.

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Not changed any of the steering angle sensors fitted to latter Fabia's (which are the same as Ibiza ones and dont go wrong). However i've had a couple giving communication faults from the PAS ECU (part of the pump) but the only way to check this is with the dealer diagnostic equipment so i'd advise take it back in.

Will also pop up if you battery gets a bit flat.

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And if they check the fault memory of the climate system they wil probably find a fault with the temerature flap servo motor, will read something like "short/open circuit to battery positive" and wil be stuck when trying to carry out basic settings. Will require a new servo motor and they are a pig to change, done quite a few recently.

Get the same fault with the re-circ servo motor, that shows up by whenever you flick re-circ on it turns itself straight back off again.

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