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Do You Have The Power ????


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i think ffelan's is the most powerful octy on here

used to be... but:

A dont have it any more

B others have fitted bigger turbos

C it was always set up for track rather than outright power

I think James's (assuming its rebuilt?) is prob up there.. or possibly one of the IP GT28 cars?

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Hi Yes the Octavia is rebuilt. Will be on show for the Rolling Road/Open day.

JBS said he may do a few test drives.Dependant on time.

Spare pants not included!! :)

Hi Guys, is your quoted 400bhp excluding the NOS "shot" or including - ie are you running 400bhp all day then 500bhp 'on the gas' ?? If so how the hell does your gearbox cope - it is a standard TT 6 speed box IIRC or have you had the internals done. If so what with?

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The 400bhp will actually be nearer 450bhp on gas.

The official release date for this vehicle will be GTi International.

All aspects of this car have been modified to handle the power.

Full spec list and prices of conversion will be available soon.

Thanks for the interest as the year progresses we will provide info on how the car has performed , so watch this space :)

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