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Felicia 1.9d fuel issues...

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Hi am helping a friend out with his car. a felicia 1.9d (1998). He has taken it to a mechanic who cant find the problem.

symptoms include:

smog cloud on full throttle

hugely hugely underpowered

uses more fuel than normal

Im guessing its overfuelling massively. I read on here it uses a mechanical injector pump... surely it wont be that. Im guessing the fuel pump in the tank, lifter pump i think they call them on diesels, is dead (you wouldnt think thatd cause overfuelling but it has done on some petrol cars Ive seen) - what do you reckon? I'd get the pressure tested but Ive no idea what it should be on this car.

many thanks for any ideas/info as to how I could narrow it down a bit.


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I've got the car now. I drove it back and it does pick up a bit when you rev it, enough to keep up with traffic, but smokes on over 1/2 throttle in true bond style.

does this mean anything? theyve tried additives iirc no cigar im afraid.

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i got a 1996 1.9GLXD

its good for about 1000kms a tank, goes better than my 1.3LXi. The only time I had a prob was when i STUPIDLY filled up with "cleaner diesel" once when i was in the UK. That car LIMPED the 800kms home she hunted, smoked, the revs where all over the place and dropping off at all speeds, was like riding a horse!! Prob was that crud i put in from the UK was full of water and the fuel filter was capput :(

I stick to cheapo less refined stuff over here, and shes no troubles :)

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