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Just to say hello.


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Hi Everyone,

New Furby VRs owner here... :thumbup:

Have had the car for two days now, and absolutly love it! :D

The in gear acceleration is awesome! :eek:

Not getting the best fuel ecomonomy at present, but i figure this will improve as I clock up the miles.

Was sourced for me by my ol' mucker James at JBS, thanks again mate! ;)

I will be down there on saturday for a remap, and who knows what else... :rofl:

While i'm here, I spotted another VRs earlier today... the reg plate was Y4 VRS, is she a member here! ;)

Cant wait for the drive home! :D


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Hi sarah.. ;)

Do you think that the lack of fuel economy could be down to a heavy right foot?

Me? with my reputation? certainly not! :rofl:

Yeah i love it mate! Will proberbly see you at the weekend. ;)

ps. sorry about the PM.... :P


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