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Rollin road in north west?


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were can i get my furby rollin roaded in the north west?? hearin alot at the moment about all the pd engines bein alot more powerfull than stated, and it has me wonderin what bhp my vrs will have. there was a golf 150 in the diesel mag the other month which was 170bhp un moddified!!

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were can i get my furby rollin roaded in the north west?? hearin alot at the moment about all the pd engines bein alot more powerfull than stated, and it has me wonderin what bhp my vrs will have. there was a golf 150 in the diesel mag the other month which was 170bhp un moddified!!

Its Dyno lottery im afraid...

my car got 149bhp standard @ Dubsport in warrington, yet all the petrol boys complained that is was under-reading... JBS rollers get std cars within 4bhp of stock output.

dynos should be taken with a large pinch of salt :)

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Will Tunit Power Run Ya Car Even If Ya Havent Got It Tuned There Mine Is Superchipped.

Don't see why not - they'll charge you for doing the power run...

The fact it's supperchipped might make them even more interested, as if the gains are lower than what a Tunit box would've given, then they have a perfect excuse to try and sell you one. ;)


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