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VAG-COM Cable problem???????


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Did you have the ignition turned on?

It needs to be on (The engine does not need to be running).

I think you need to use version 311.


Is there any VAGCOM gurus out there can help with a cable problem???

After ncarring pointed out that you can source cheap vagcom cables from China, I got myself one. For

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As Doug said, make sure you have the ignition on. :D Does the cable have any LEDs on it - my DIY one does and VAG-COM can perform a test to make sure the connection is good.

Also if you use other devices which make use of COM ports, you might want to power the laptop on with the VAG-COM cable in. I ran into problems with it fighting with my external modem, both of which used the serial port, and that was the only way that seemed to work reliably....


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I've got one based on the ELM chip. I managed to get it talking with the car using two other types of SW but not either of the VAG-COM ones?

Anyone else using an ELM based cable?

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I've got one based on the ELM chip. I managed to get it talking with the car using two other types of SW but not either of the VAG-COM ones?

Anyone else using an ELM based cable?

What software have you tried then???


PS. I am on holiday this week, so only have dialup :thumbdwn: Never thought I would look forward to returning to work :D

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Haven't tried mine yet - sorry if I've misled anybody :o

Not aimed at you Nick....just you posted a place to get the cable cheap and I decided to get it from there, I was under no impression that you were endorsing the supplier.

If you do get around to trying it though, I would be interested to hear how you get on with it.....

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I'm so glad to see this thread LOL! I've just ordered my cable from the guy on EBay.

Where can you obtain a lower version of VAGCOM - the RossTech site only has the latest available for download.

Just mailed it to you as it's only 1 Mb compressed :D


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