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1.9tdi pd 100- REMAP

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I was wondering if anyone with the 100bhp 1.9tdi pd has had their car remapped? Once purchased I plan to get mine remapped. I was hoping for some info from owners as to what it's like and gains that they've had, any issues that they've had as a result etc etc....

I'm a complete newbie so please- as much information as possible guys and girls.

Thanks very much and I look forward to reading info soon :)

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Haven't got one but from what I've heard a remapped pd100 will give a vRS a serious run for there money...might be quickier.

With any remap make sure there's no nasty torque spikes and the turbos not being pushed to an inche of its life.130-140bhp. Would be fine I would have thought.

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114bhp standard??? Are they not 100 standard. Also- with the remap have you experienced any problems? What is fuel economy like and what do you mean by spikes? I'm a complete newbie! I'm considering shark and performance torque, just waiting for emails back etc.

What do I need to know and ask...

Thanks all :)

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114bhp standard??? Are they not 100 standard. Also- with the remap have you experienced any problems? What is fuel economy like and what do you mean by spikes? I'm a complete newbie! I'm considering shark and performance torque, just waiting for emails back etc.

What do I need to know and ask...

Thanks all :)

Often fabia vRS has found to be 140 to 145bhp standard. Can depend on rollers used, etc. Expect roughly a 30% increase in power. Fuel economy in theory should increase very slightly given the same driving, but if you're like me, you tend to use the power more :D

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I'd love a Vrs but I'm only 19 and can't afford insurance- a 100pd then declare the remap is much more reasonable. I'm on the look out for an elegance so top spec to compensate for not being a vrs!

What are spikes?

Questions I should ask?

Where should I go?!

What are safe gains?

I'm not looking for as fast as possible- I'd like nice gains and nice to drive without damaging the turbo and clutch too much!

Once again- sorry for all the questions.

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I had my pd100 remapped a few years ago.

It pulled 115bhp as stock (100% stock, but using BP ultimate).

remapped to 130ish bhp, and i think 200 or 230lbs torque (sorry can't remember exact figures now)

Performance increase was fair, made driving more enjoyable, less need to change down a gear, and also greater ability to rev out (Rather than just feel breathless as you stretch the revs out).

MPG increased, upto 60mpg was now possible, as confirmed by extra mileage each tank of diesel.

It's worth doing if you do buy a turbo diesel (PD or VRS), as there doesn't seem to be any draw backs I can think of.

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I had my pd100 remapped a few years ago.

It pulled 115bhp as stock (100% stock, but using BP ultimate).

remapped to 130ish bhp, and i think 200 or 230lbs torque (sorry can't remember exact figures now)

Performance increase was fair, made driving more enjoyable, less need to change down a gear, and also greater ability to rev out (Rather than just feel breathless as you stretch the revs out).

MPG increased, upto 60mpg was now possible, as confirmed by extra mileage each tank of diesel.

It's worth doing if you do buy a turbo diesel (PD or VRS), as there doesn't seem to be any draw backs I can think of.

Drawbacks include having to put more rubber on the front lol :D remember skids are for kids lol just take it easy in first and second :)

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I was wondering if anyone with the 100bhp 1.9tdi pd has had their car remapped? Once purchased I plan to get mine remapped. I was hoping for some info from owners as to what it's like and gains that they've had, any issues that they've had as a result etc etc....

I'm a complete newbie so please- as much information as possible guys and girls.

Thanks very much and I look forward to reading info soon :)

Normal would be 100->128 BHP or similar. I've a VRS so don't know the details. Would assume there could be clutch/gearbox issues if the torque is pushed too high though. As PD100 models have the smaller/lighter/weaker(!?) 5 speed box. From what I've seen/read, the PD100 models are 80KG lighter than the VRS, so lower torque/power is somewhat offset by this. Only 6% though, so not enough to make up the power difference on its own. :)

Another point to consider is that you're not limited to hatch body shape with a PD100. You could do an estate PD100. Then VRSify it or Sportify it.



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I've looked at the estate but im not keen on it as it's not got the 'cool' factor! No disrespect to anyone with an estate because my brother has one and they are very good cars. I'd love to get the pd100 elegance model so still on the look out for one :)

Thanks for all the info any more info would be great :)

The remap... Does it make a huge difference when you drive because I tested a standard 100bhp and it didn't exactly feel slow in itself. Say I get 130bhp and 220 ft torque what differences will I notice. I'm coming from a 1.3 lol!!!!

Thanks again :)

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The remap... Does it make a huge difference when you drive because I tested a standard 100bhp and it didn't exactly feel slow in itself. Say I get 130bhp and 220 ft torque what differences will I notice. I'm coming from a 1.3 ka lol!!!!

Thanks again :)

Yes!! If you don't notice any difference between a standard car and a mapped car, the map is pants basically!

A good map shouldn't just give you peak figures, it should increase the power throughout the entire rev band, meaning it's more relaxing to drive as you have to change gear less often.

One of the reason I went to Shark is the smoothness of their maps and their ability to create power higher up the rev band rather than just increasing the standard spike and it then all tailing off.

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Thanks- can't actually wait :) going to be great. One of the main things I'm looking forward to is motorway driving. In my current car overtaking a car that's just pulled in is somewhat embarassing lol! In the Tdi I expect to just cruise past :)

Thanks again. I'm still waiting for shark to email back prices etc...

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Are you sure a remapped PD100 (if you declare it) is going to be cheaper to insure than a vRS? Insurers tend to hammer performance mods.

I'd price both (mapped PD100 and standard vRS) before taking the plunge.

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This is gonna be contraversial but as fellow tuner, and someone that worked in modified car insurance for 4yrs and my uncle has been a claims estimater for 15yrs(inspecting written off vehicles)

I can say thhhat there is no need to declare you remap, i had the head technichian as a Lotus dealership say to me that they have absolutely no way of detecting weather one of there cars has been remapped. this is because they can't detect any changes to the ecu all they can do it reload the original map back on then it clears the remap.

This was backed up by an Afla dealership that offered to remap there brand new alfa mito's for you at a charge without affecting the warranty, i asked them why they did this and they said that alfa uk warranties cannot detect if a car has been mapped for higher boost pressure with the equipment they have, so the dealership thought if these people are gonna go remap there cars anyway why not offer them the service here at the dealership... as it's not like Alfa Warranties can tell!! sneaky so i won't name the dealership but it was proof enough for me.

My uncle also admitted that an insurance company will never check if a cart has been mapped because it's tooo difficult to prove and to easy for the owner to plea that they bought the car like that!

Your only 19yrs old, your insurance is probably horrific over a grand for sure! don't go spending more money on it and declare the remap.

FOR THE RECORD, i would recommend you declare any other mods though, even little things like poly bushes, aftermarket back box or some lowering springs can void your insurance

Edited by Sonner
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This is gonna be contraversial but as fellow tuner, and someone that worked in modified car insurance for 4yrs and my uncle has been a claims estimater for 15yrs(inspecting written off vehicles)

I can say thhhat there is no need to declare you remap, i had the head technichian as a Lotus dealership say to me that they have absolutely no way of detecting weather one of there cars has been remapped. this is because they can't detect any changes to the ecu all they can do it reload the original map back on then it clears the remap.

That's exactly what Angel say.

If I got a remap I wouldn't declare it.

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