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Rolling Roads - Car Killers?

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I've got my first Rolling Road day this Saturday at Extreme Motorsport in Whitburn. On mentioning this to my dad he instantly went on the offensive telling me how stupid an idea it is and that I was going to ruin my car etc etc Anyway after he'd finished rambling on I got thinking about the fact it does take the car too its limit (correct me if im wrong) and what effects that could have on say the turbo for example. I know a lot of you guys have used rollers numerous times and i've yet to read about a vRS going boom so is safe to assume that a pretty much standard vRS like mine will cope without any problems? I do push my car pretty hard at times and its never missed a beat *touch wood* so i'm fairly comfortable with going ahead and sticking it on the rollers. I'd just hate to give him the satisfaction of telling me "I told you so" :D

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I've got my first Rolling Road day this Saturday at Extreme Motorsport in Whitburn. On mentioning this to my dad he instantly went on the offensive telling me how stupid an idea it is and that I was going to ruin my car etc etc Anyway after he'd finished rambling on I got thinking about the fact it does take the car too its limit (correct me if im wrong) and what effects that could have on say the turbo for example. I know a lot of you guys have used rollers numerous times and i've yet to read about a vRS going boom so is safe to assume that a pretty much standard vRS like mine will cope without any problems? I do push my car pretty hard at times and its never missed a beat *touch wood* so i'm fairly comfortable with going ahead and sticking it on the rollers. I'd just hate to give him the satisfaction of telling me "I told you so" :D

Hi, I have never been on a rolling road, but in effect, it should have less element affecting it (ie wind, road friction, gradients and weight).

I think what your dad is worried about is the airflow. I am sure most rolling roads have a industrial size fan running, generating the convection that would otherwise be present on a normal road, doing say 60 mph.

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I've heard of a KKK turbo letting go on a Golf diesel at Stealth tunings dyno.....

Never mind the turbo,

My dmf failed shortly after a rolling road sesh.

Coincidence? Who knows? One of those things I suppose.

These are the type of things that worry me, I mean if they fail on the dyno then it was probably only a matter of time before they failed anyway.

Plus im guessing the guys running the dyno's won't be forking out for the repair cost

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A not dissimilar thing happened at Motorscope in Northallerton :rock:

That's never happened when I was there. I've been to Motoscope a few time s with the SCN boys, the first time I went I put my car on it. Having said that I've seen one car with a 10 sized hole in boost pipe (Audi engined Lupo) and another Seat break down.

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That's never happened when I was there. I've been to Motoscope a few time s with the SCN boys.

Next time your in ask them if its ever happened, im sure its not a regular thing mind, I'd trust them 100% with my car.

You racing a car to produce maximum power with feet and inches between rollers and real world grip, **** happens.

Edited by Lee Rich
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If the car's properly strapped down it shouldn't move enough to fall off. Note the strapping down method - infact strapping "down" isn't correct it should be strapped "on". If it's strapped by one single strap through the towing eye (check Evo vid) then you're asking for trouble.

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Could potentially damage flywheel as they load it up in a high gear most runs done in 5th I believe and load her up low down the revs which is never a good thing :S I had to go round the corner when mine was on the rollers lol could bare to watch it. What I did love tho was the rasp from the exhaust you can't hear when on the road lol

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Having used Extreme Motorsport last year along with alot of others on here for the RR day and don't have a bad word to say, had a great day out there and if there's anything wrong with your car on the test run then he won't run it. He's a top class guy, we enjoyed it so much last year we've arranged another one for the 26th of September if you fancy coming along (check the scottish meets forum)

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Having used Extreme Motorsport last year along with alot of others on here for the RR day and don't have a bad word to say, had a great day out there and if there's anything wrong with your car on the test run then he won't run it. He's a top class guy, we enjoyed it so much last year we've arranged another one for the 26th of September if you fancy coming along (check the scottish meets forum)

This is very reassuring, as much as I'd like to come along I cant get the time off work for it, will need to keep an eye of the Scottish meets forum though :thumbup:

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I have done many rolling road sessions in the past with no detriment to any of the cars I have run on them.

Lets not forget that for a diesel to pass a UK MOT test it will also be revved up to maximum RPM whilst stationary and under no engine load and held there whilst the smoke test is carried out. This is more stressful to the engine than an RR session where at least the engine is under load and max RPM is only held for a fraction of a second, its no worse than you driving upto the redline in 2nd or 3rd gear.

Many, many cars on Briskoda have been to RR sessions without any problem.

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Mine was on the Extreme rollers (And Awesomes)!

It's still running.

Personally the car took more abuse on the drive there!

The guy's at Extreme done the run in third gear.

Just make sure the car is up to temp before putting it on, And let it cool afterwards before turning it off!

It seems if something fails on the rollers, It would only been a matter of time before it went anyway!

Enjoy, Hope you're happy with the figures!

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Could potentially damage flywheel as they load it up in a high gear most runs done in 5th I believe and load her up low down the revs which is never a good thing :S I had to go round the corner when mine was on the rollers lol could bare to watch it. What I did love tho was the rasp from the exhaust you can't hear when on the road lol

The two RRs I've had done were done in 4th. It depends on which gearbox you have though, the aim is to find the gear which has the closest ratio to 1:1 with the engine. Also I believe that the fact your wheels aren't propelling the car forwards on the road but are just spinning the two cylinders as part of the dyno mean there's actually less resistance on a dyno and therefore accelerating from low RPM isn't as much of a problem as it would be if you did it on the road. The smaller cylinders will have less inertia for example so should spin up quite easily compared to the resistance of having to haul 1.3 tonnes of car down a road. Also there's no air resistance as you're not pushing forwards, but that only really affects road driving at high speed, not low down.

Obviously the RR operator don't have to pay for any repairs, but if anything minor happened I would expect a bit of a goodwill gesture. Don't bank on getting a new turbo/clutch/flywheel off them though, cos that's not happening!

Had my old Leon dynoed twice in about 6 months and nothing went wrong. Just don't do it from cold, make sure everything's in reasonable shape before you go and everything will be fine. The last dyno run the Leon went on I ended up tagged on the end after someone dropped out and ended up doing 30-odd laps of a small industrial estate on a wet December evening to get some heat into the oil before it got strapped down!

Edited by gavinchappell
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