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KWP2000 Anybody used one?


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not sure mate, Ive heard they sometimes freeze which buggers it right up. also the voltage needs to be spot on and constant or it buggers it up.

in the end costing more money than jsut getting it done right. Not 100% but I think when it freezes it locks you out of the ECU but not sure on that one

I was going to get one but after hearing some stories on them I gave it up.


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It's not just the tool, you need the map as well.

What you have there is a Chinese clone of a very very old tool, good luck if you try to use it.

Supposedly comes with a dvd with over 15,000 maps on it though. Question is would a default vrs one be any good? Surely it would need to be tailored to the individual car... But then isn't a revo map just a default map loaded onto the car?

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Supposedly comes with a dvd with over 15,000 maps on it though. Question is would a default vrs one be any good? Surely it would need to be tailored to the individual car... But then isn't a revo map just a default map loaded onto the car?

It doesn't really work like that. There may be 15,000 maps but that doesn't mean a thing, because you don't know whats inside those maps.

Something like a Revo map or any other big tuning company is developed and tested and tweaked to perfection. Anything could be inside the file that you choose, and unless you can load the map into an editor like WinOLS and understand it (which if you could, you wouldn't need a DVD with 15.000 maps on it) then you're taking your engines life into your own hands.

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I am sure there is a place for those kind of maps.(probably the bin). But to the Joe public who wants to have a reliable map suited to the engine and life of it, spend the appropriate money to get the appropriate knowledge and reliability your hard saved cash is spending on. A good mapper/company is the way to go. Else you could be spending a lot more out to fix your engine.

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I have used kwp2000 and find it quite reliable on cars with edc15 ecu and I understand they are reliable with me7.x ecu

Has anybody used one of these KWP2000 self remapping tools? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/KWP2000-PLUS-ECU-Remap-Remapping-Tool-Flasher-Flashing-/160643092738?pt=UK_Diagnostic_Tools_Equipment&hash=item2567131102

Are they actually a viable budget remap option for the vRS?

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I "think" I have KWP2000 to flash my car. HOwever, when it comes to getting the maps, there is no way I would attempt to use anything on the disc that came with it.... I get the maps online from a reputable source who knows how to tuned highly modified dervs. :thumbup:

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