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Custom vrs exhaust


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Absolutely, I don't know if you've seen the graphs of janner_Sy's car but he's very happy with it.

We are Milltek distributors anyway, so can deal with that for you.. and I see from your signature that you're looking for some ITG stuff as well, who we also work with! Infact, KW, ITG, Milltek and Whiteline are all our preferred brands, your car could almost be our demo car by the sounds of it!

does that mean a huge discount for me ??? lol.

Am I right in thinking the ITG induction is getting redesigned somehow?

Also once the KW coilovers are fitted does the camber need to reset as well as tracking plus the rears alignment adjusted?

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Many have! ;)

I've got MEGA miles on the car already. Couldn't afford a 802 mile round trip :'(

Any chance of releasing one of those "I send you a usb stick you send it back" deals for the furby? :D

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