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Non retracting seatbelt


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Like the title says, my front passenger seatbelt doesnt retract, it just stays to the length it was attached at. Has anyone had this problem?

Just thought Id mention this to the boards.

Havent got round to contact the local dealer, yet lol!

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cheers guys!

i think the passenger is quite safe using the seat belt. Its just pees me off when hear non road/engine noises when driving but its the seat belt rubbing the plastic interior.

Whats worst is when mom get out of the car and slams the door and catches the seat belt with the car's door's exterior bit.

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My drivers side seatbelt is a bit slow to retract sometimes, haven't noticed a problem with the passenger side. It'll be getting looked at under warranty if it gets any worser.

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@Chavyboy - yep you're right, it sure shouldn't pass, what's the point of seatbelts that don't stop you flying after all ??

Surprised they go quite that quickly though, I've had to replace a seatbelt on only one car I've owned, and that had done 150k miles or something, heavily used.

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I have just got my passenger seat belt changed due to not retracting at times. On speaking with service manager i was informed this is a common fault on the Fabia vRS. He still had to order the new sear belt.When I asked about a possible recall I was meet with silence.

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I have just got my passenger seat belt changed due to not retracting at times. On speaking with service manager i was informed this is a common fault on the Fabia vRS. He still had to order the new sear belt.When I asked about a possible recall I was meet with silence.

How long did it take to change it?

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The seat belts do not get stripped down as they are classed as dangerous cargo.

Because of this dealers are not really supposed to have a few in stock.

They have small explosive bits in there a bit like the air bags.

The best thing to do is to check that the seat belt has not got screwed up on the inside.

Then get it looked at at a dealer.

Do not attempt to pull the seatbelt apart yourself.

Even technicians are allowed to do that!

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