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2011 vRS TSI tune


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Couple of questions regarding a remap for a 2011 vRS TSI with DSG box.

I have this car as a company car. In the Netherlands there are some strict rules to remapping such a car. It is allowed, only by ABT via the stealers...... Obviously this will cost a lot of money and I wouldnt be happy with an ABT map.

First off; if a remap is done, is it easily tracable by the dealers during a service ?

Second; using the Shark STS (really liking this) and applying the standard map before a service; would it still be tracable that it was (ever) mapped ?

I am a little scared in case of problems and them finding out that it was mapped, dunno if that is worth it. But, I would really like it mapped :D

Suggestions ?

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Couple of questions regarding a remap for a 2011 vRS TSI with DSG box.

I have this car as a company car. In the Netherlands there are some strict rules to remapping such a car. It is allowed, only by ABT via the stealers...... Obviously this will cost a lot of money and I wouldnt be happy with an ABT map.

First off; if a remap is done, is it easily tracable by the dealers during a service ?

Second; using the Shark STS (really liking this) and applying the standard map before a service; would it still be tracable that it was (ever) mapped ?

I am a little scared in case of problems and them finding out that it was mapped, dunno if that is worth it. But, I would really like it mapped :D

Suggestions ?

Unfortunately it is traceable, as even reverting to a map that is equivalent to the stock tune from the factory will create a checksum calculation on the ECU.

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As Tricky Red has said, any remap on your TSI ECU is traceable if the dealership looked hard enough for it, even if it was back to standard. The chance of it being found when back to standard is small but it is still there, and we would rather be honest with customers than make a sale under false pretenses :thumbup:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Unfortunately it is traceable, as even reverting to a map that is equivalent to the stock tune from the factory will create a checksum calculation on the ECU.

Really? I know some remap companies reset the flash counter to make them harder to trace.

Edited by Jim H
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remap aren't easily traceable, i think a tuning box which you could remove before taking the car in will be a better option.

and a decent tuning box will get better performance than an ATB map

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