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Vag Tacho Help


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Hi, first of all hello to every one,

I have just bought a vag tacho lead of ebay version 3.01 and have been having some trouble connecting to the car (skoda octavia 2004 classic 1.9

no matter what i try it will not connect to the ecu,my first thoughts were it could be a dodgy lead or software so i tested it out on my mates ford galaxy 2002 tdi and connected straight away read ecu all functions worked perfect.

can any one help me with this problem and if so what cable and software are you using,i have also read that it may depend on what dash i have is this true

any one with help thanks very much in advance jason.

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Where did you buy your cable? Octavia II uses CAN to communicate with the instrument cluster, the old copies of VAG Tacho work on K-Line only as far as I know, although I don't own it.

If you have a legitimate cable then I may I suggest contacting the people that make the software/hardware.

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This the one i bought


Works great on Ford Galaxy but wont evan find my ecu ????????????????

Oh and it is a Mk2 skoda octavia 2004 classic 1.9

Thats a fake, rip-off of the genuine product. Tread carefully when you use it, that could cause you some serious problems if you make a mistake!

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Exactly what Anddenton says. It is a USB to K-line interface, which I believe is the system used on the Mk1 Octavia,the pictures shown say so. The Mk2 moved onto a CANBUS network which will need a different kit. Yours, as a Mk2 Octavia must be a very early one on the cusp of the changeover between the 2 versions.


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I checked online the previous mot s and it seems some one has taken 60,000 miles off the car so i want some thing to check this and clear any fault lights that come up in the future

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