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anyone heard of alien tech remap?


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I don't think Alien Tech do maps themselves, but they make self-mapping devices such as the Shark STS (which is a branded Alien Tech PowerGate device, if I remember correctly). Sounds like your boss might not know what he's on about, makes you wonder who's written the maps that are being installed from Alien Tech devices.

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Im not really bothered enough to go outside and question them again tbh emoticon-0136-giggle.gif, when i 'found out' this morning i thought id ask who's map they were using and all i got was * alien tech mate * oh well if the company vans start blowing up over the next few weeks we'll know who too blame emoticon-0136-giggle.gif

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As Gavin has said, Alientech make hardware. I'm not sure if they do write maps for people who need them or not, they might do.

If he had of consulted me i could have given your guys a bulk order aswell emoticon-0148-yes.gif

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