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Custom code remap - Dyno run

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Hi all,

Had the day off today so thought i would give the take old girl for a dyno run. Ive had three runs done today. I must say what the fu$k is going on with my car.

As you guys know standard figure are 130bhp and 229 lbf.ft of torque.

Custom code remap is Phase One 175bhp and 280 lbf.ft

Run one in 4th was 160bhp and 135 lbt.ft WTF :o

Run 2,3 in 5th was 159.2 bhp and 228lbf.ft :thumbdown:

Took back to the garage and he could not believe it and said that ain right. No fault codes in ECU. Cars running sweet otherwise just not delivering the power.

Custom code says they have never seen anything like it.

Any suggestions

I take it we'd all agree that Run 1 is clearly nonsense; no way does a road TD make more power than torque at peak!

I'd be surprised to find anyone doing power runs in 5th unless, having run out of tie-downs and bodies to sit on the driven wheels you were still spinning up and/or trying to climb the rollers in 4th. So I'm dubious about those as well.

That's before considering that different tyres (so actual loss), time in service cycle (so effective oil viscosity, and air filter cleanliness), make of rollers (so wheels to flywheel correction) and day (so temp, pressure and relative humidity) can all have effects.

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Guest BigJase88

Given the BLTs pretty much all run 150 anyway I have to disagree with that. 170 is perfectly fine, how long the clutch etc lasts is dependant on if you drive like an idiot or not.

As for this actual subject, the first thing that stands out for me is how poo that dyno chart looks. Unless its from a DynoDynamics just use it as toilet paper and dont stress

about it if the car feels faster and your happy with how it drives.

Well agree to disagree then

On stock intercooler i could heat soak it pretty bad at 173bhp

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Yeah car goes well. The guy who mapped it took it for a test drive and said he was well impressed. So was I until I got the print outs.

I think I'm going to ignor it and get a Dyno done at powerstation in Tewksbury.

See how that goes.

But can my wheels actually slip on the RR? It was strapped down


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But can my wheels actually slip on the RR? It was strapped down

Yes is the simple answer, I've seen all sorts of things happen on rr.. Dare I suggest that the rr is not reading right? Or as has been suggested the results have been manipulated?

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Yeah car goes well. The guy who mapped it took it for a test drive and said he was well impressed. So was I until I got the print outs.

I think I'm going to ignor it and get a Dyno done at powerstation in Tewksbury.

See how that goes.

But can my wheels actually slip on the RR? It was strapped down

Those ratchet straps should stop it climbing the rollers (by stopping it going forward unless it can pull several tons) sure, but they won't stop you getting wheel-spin (hence the comment about running out of bodies to sit over the drive wheels).

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So is the clutch slipping

And YES a clutch can be done in with bad driving

especially the 6 speed , get a standard vehicle , accelerat like hell in 6th in a standard car , lets see how long it lasts

Nothing to do really with the remap , alot to do with the previous drivers


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I'm not saying that the clutch is slipping, but the op would know if he was getting wheelspin or clutch slip (not which, just one, the other or both) because the engine speed would be rising faster than his roller speed. This will give him a low torque, and hence power, reading compared with what the engine is actually making. Wheelspin will also be worse in lower gears.

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I think I'm going to ignor it and get a Dyno done at powerstation in Tewksbury.

does that mean you are not too far from Badger5 at Stonehouse? Bill would run it properly for you on his dyno and give you reliable and repeatable results.

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Yeah car goes well. The guy who mapped it took it for a test drive and said he was well impressed. So was I until I got the print outs.

I think I'm going to ignor it and get a Dyno done at powerstation in Tewksbury.

See how that goes.

Try Mech Repairs in Cheltenham (off Tewkesbury Road). I had my Toledo PD130 tested there (after a remap which gave 175bhp and 283lbs/ft @ the mapper's rolling road). At mech repairs it made 165bhp & 263lbs/ft... I've always used them and highly recommend them.

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Aha badger 5. I know where that is I use to work at Delphi diesel systems just around the corner. Yeah I could try them.

Mech tech???? Not sure where that is.

I might try badger 5 and not say anything. Tell them I've bought the car and just wondering if its has been mapped? Etc. I'm sure he won't try and mug me off?

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interesting my vrs was custom coded and rolling roaded at 178bhp in cornwall, however when clutch was replaced by SACHs standard clutch by JKM it was down to 164. if i had the time, patience and money i'd get JKM to remap it again - i'd trust them to find out what the difference is down to.

thats my 2 pence spent

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