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Cruise ctrl torx size

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Well the cruise didn't work last night. In 30 seconds I'd removed the cruise ctrl switch out of the indicator arm. I wanted to try the contact cleaner trick by removing the contact board which is held onto the switch on by 2 torx screws. Then gnashed teeth as none of my screwdriver bits including the starfish shaped ones I thought were torx would fit. Anybody know the size please.

I popped the switch back in as a test this am and it is now working again. I think it's only a temp recovery and still want to clean the contacts. The arm with the switch is £67 inc VAT. I can't be bothered driving 40 miles to the dealer and back and my Direct Warranty excess is £50 so I will try the cure before I succumb to replacing the entire indicator arm.

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Well the cruise didn't work last night. In 30 seconds I'd removed the cruise ctrl switch out of the indicator arm. I wanted to try the contact cleaner trick by removing the contact board which is held onto the switch on by 2 torx screws. Then gnashed teeth as none of my screwdriver bits including the starfish shaped ones I thought were torx would fit. Anybody know the size please.

I popped the switch back in as a test this am and it is now working again. I think it's only a temp recovery and still want to clean the contacts. The arm with the switch is £67 inc VAT. I can't be bothered driving 40 miles to the dealer and back and my Direct Warranty excess is £50 so I will try the cure before I succumb to replacing the entire indicator arm.

Is is a security torx fitting with the little nipple inside the star shape?? I had the same issue with my sky box and had to buy a new tool to remove them.

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Set of small torx purchased. 5 minutes to remove, undo, clean, reassemble and fit. Few dabs with a cotton bud on the contact board removed some black deposit. Works perfectly. Thanks again to Shark for the steer on head size.

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Wow, T8 is tiny! :D I think my smallest is T15, which works on the 3 tiny bolts at the bottom of the doorcards on the fabia. Don't think I have come across a smaller torx in all my fabia fettling.

Indeed it is, I have about half a dozen different torx bit sets and the smallest is a T10.

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